Lula, sentenced by a fifth who is not his | He was…


Former Brazilian President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva was sentenced yesterday again to 12 years and 11 months imprisonment for crimes of bribery and money laundering. The sentence was handed down by Judge Gabriela Hardt, who replaced former Judge Sergio Moro at the Federal Court of Paraná, when the former magistrate became a member of the far-right cabinet Jair Bolsonaro , in the wallet of justice.

Hardt understood that the former president had been favored by the companies OAS and Odebrecht with reforms made in a country house that he frequented in the municipality of Atibaia, in the state of San Pablo. According to the survey, it is these companies who paid for the property works, which represents an amount of 1.26 million reais, according to the complaint, with diverted resources contracts with the oil company of 39, Petrobras State. Prosecutors have argued that the former president had illegally benefited from reforms undertaken by companies favored by his government with contracts with the oil company.

"It is possible to conclude beyond a reasonable doubt that the values ​​to be paid for the reform stemmed from earlier wrongful acts committed for the benefit of society (Odebrecht-OAS) and that Lula had participated actively in this scheme, both by guaranteeing the reception of the box of the party to which it is bound (Partido de los Trabajadores – PT), receiving a portion of the said values ​​for its own benefit ", said the judge, quoted by the Brazilian newspaper Folha de San Pablo . "Such sums of money were unduly requested and received because of the public service that he exercised (Lula), important little, for the type of crime, that they took place in part after the end of the exercise of his mandate, "he concluded. Last November, Hardt questioned the exmandatario on this case, in the only release that allowed him to do it since his imprisonment 10 months ago.

Lula's defense alleges, however, that the former president has never been informed of the reforms undertaken and that there is no evidence that he has asked to carry out this work in the past. exchange of business relations with the government. In addition, the lawyer of the leader of the PTA rejected the fact that Lula was the hidden owner of the house, but the reason he was attending her was that he was very close to the family of Jacó Bittar , father of Fernando Bittar, one of the official owners of the house. Property.

"It is a fact that the family of former President Lula was a diligent visitor of the property, that he enjoyed it or that it owned it," wrote Hardt in judgment, according to the São Paulo newspaper. Therefore, the judge pointed out that the complaint did not go through the discussion about the formal ownership of the site. "It is undeniable that reforms were made and items purchased to serve the interests of Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva and his family," the document continues. In his reasons, the judge cited the irregularities found in the OAS and Odebrecht contracts with Petrobrás during the internal audits of the public enterprise, as well as in the confessions of the leaders themselves. as proof of the existence of a collection system. bribes of the state. However, Hardt admits that there is no evidence that the payments that appear in the contracts were used to pay for campaigns or personal expenses of PT executives. But for her, this specific follow-up is impossible to perform.

PT President Gleisi Hoffmann rejected the judge's decision. "The persecution of Lula does not stop, a second sentence was pronounced just when it is possible that Lula was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize.In the memory of the people and in history, Lula will be more and more big than his executioners, "the senator tweeted.

In addition to Lula, Judge Hardt condemned some businessmen, including former OAS President, José Adelmario Pinheiro Neto (one year and seven months in prison); Emilio Odebrecht, patriarch of the Odebrecht group (3 years and 3 months in prison) and his son Marcelo Odebrecht (5 years and 4 months of detention). He also pronounced sentence against Bittar, one of the owners.

Lula has already served her sentence since last April for another corruption case, after the court declared that he had received an apartment on a beach in San Pablo in exchange for bribes. However, there is no concrete evidence on this point, but rather that the case is based on award-winning statements and on the "intimate sentence" of Judge Moro, as he himself has even confessed.


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