Lula with political rights, Brazil another country | Pri …


From Brasilia

Brazil paused for more than two hours to witness Lula’s speech, which everyone or almost everyone imagines as a candidate in the 2022 election against far-right Jair Bolsonaro. The leader of the Workers’ Party preferred to talk about forming alliances to confront the “braggers” who occupy the Planalto palace, instead of dealing with a potential nomination which would be the sixth.

Politicians and much of the media accompanied Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva’s first presentation and subsequent press conference, delivered after recovering political rights due to a Federal Supreme Court ruling that overturned the actions in the Lava Jato case. , of the one once untouchable and today more than questioned Sergio Moro.

“This country is not governed, it does not have a Minister of Health, it does not have a Minister of the Economy, it does not talk about education, health, work,” said Lula , in addition to criticizing the government’s lack of economic support for the poorest population to alleviate the crisis derived from the pandemic.

“We are fighting for emergency aid because people cannot starve with a government that does nothing. You don’t have to read Marx to defend that ”.

The former president twice again criticized the current captain-president when he mentioned that if vaccines are lacking and death rates rise, Bolsonaro is dedicated to promoting the sale of arms in order to please its partners). “Brazil is not his (Bolsonaro) and the militia.”

And he recalled something few politicians dare to mention: Bolsonaro isn’t even a captain in the army, he’s a simple lieutenant who was promoted to retirement in the 1980s, after being sued for planning. explosive attacks against military units.

Dressed in a light blue shirt and a neat blue blazer, the former president said next week he would take the vaccine and pay tribute to the 270,000 deadly victims of the pandemic in the country.

Antagonizing Bolsonaro, an enemy of the mask, Lula arrived in a red mask shortly after eleven a.m. at the Metallurgical Union headquarters in San Bernardo do Campo, one of the ABC’s locations, the Grand San Pablo. The room was packed with journalists from the national media and various representatives of the foreign press.

This is the same building in which on April 7, 2018, Lula surrounded himself with thousands of activists before appearing before the federal police to be transferred to Curitiba. There he served the sentence ordered by Sergio Moro and was jailed until November 2019. There were 580 days of political condemnation that ruled him out of the elections.

“Almost three years have passed since I left the headquarters of this union to go and hand myself over to the federal police. I went against my will because I knew they were arresting an innocent person. He was aware of the certainty that that day would come. And it came, ”said Lula, celebrating the victory of“ truth ”.

“Moro is the biggest liar (…), a clay idol that doesn’t last long,” said the PT, which also criticized prosecutors who participated in the Lava Jato processes.

Thanks to Lula’s ban, Bolsonaro won the October 2018 election smoothly, then ruled indifferently between 2019 and March 2021, without having any major opposition, or with enough political backing to face him.

This picture of the situation ended on Wednesday, because the turner and metallurgical leader returned in full, endowed with his political rights and ready to fight.

“I will travel the country to speak with the people, who cannot allow a man who causes the evils that Bolsonaro has caused to continue to rule.


Lula expressed his willingness to meet with leaders of leftist and progressive parties historically allies of the PT, without closing the doors to conservative forces opposed to the regime. In this sense, he considers it a priority to reach a consensus on urgent issues such as the pandemic and unemployment.

He did not show all of his letters, although he did give indications such as the model alliances of PT governments in the northeast region, for example that of Bahia, where coalitions with right-wing parties were formed.

In this sense, he put in the ring the presidential formula of 2002 with the businessman José Alencar as candidate for the vice-presidency, an alliance between “capital and labor”.


At the start of his speech, ahead of the press conference, Lula expressed his deep gratitude to Argentine President Alberto Fernández, who visited him in Curitiba in mid-2019.

“I cannot help but thank President Alberto Fernández who had the decency and courage, when he was a candidate, to visit me at the federal police in Curitiba,” he said.

The former president recalled that on this occasion he had asked Fernández “not to give interviews so as not to be hurt by the Argentine right, and he said to me ‘Lula, I have no problem with what the right says, I have become in solidarity with you ´ ”. During a year and a half of imprisonment in Curitiba, Lula never stopped playing politics, mobilizing his activism or meeting his allies. He also continued to implement an international relations program that made this police headquarters a global showcase. The former governor said Fernández was “the first to call me” after the Federal Supreme Court overturned Lava Jato’s convictions on Monday.

Lula also thanked Pope Francis for sending him solidarity during the days of captivity and, months later, in February 2020, for receiving him at the Vatican where they spoke about poverty and inequality.


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