Lula would be free soon | The prosecutor's office in Brazil …


The Brazilian prosecutor's office yesterday asked former President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva to leave prison to go into semi-open regime, which allows him to serve his sentence at his home, after that one year. superior court has reduced his sentence in case of recidivism. corruption related to the operation Lava Jato. The Deputy Attorney General of the Republic, Aurea Nogueira, addressed this request to the Superior Court of Justice (STJ), the highest criminal court that reduced Lula to 12 years and one month in prison at eight years and ten months.

Lula has been detained since 7 April 2018 in an isolated room of the federal police of the city of Curitiba, in the state of Paraná, in the south of the country, on the border with the province of Misiones, after being tried and found guilty of corruption. Former Justice Sérgio Moro, current Minister of Justice of Jair Bolsonaro, found him guilty of receiving an apartment as part of the bribes that the construction company OAS had paid to the Workers' Party (PT), a punishment considered as political persecution. from the former director general, since the prosecution has never been able to prove that the department was from Lula.

The Deputy Attorney General endorsed Lula's defense of a semi-open regime following the reduction of the sentence. With this regime, Lula could, if the request was accepted, leave the prison during the day and go to sleep at night in a detention center near his home. Lula lives in Sao Bernardo do Campo, in the Grand San Pablo.

Some 80,000 people took part Sunday in San Pablo at the music festival organized to claim the freedom of the former president who had ruled between 2003 and 2010. The cultural and political act of defense of democracy introduced the presentation of more than 30 artists and groups. as popular, Zeca Baleiro, Arnaldo Antunes, Anelis Assumpção, Lirinha, Emicida, Baiana System, Dead Fish, Caesar Boy, Filipe Catto, Mombojó, Everson Pessoa, Unidos do Swing, Slam das Minas, Slam das Minas, Bia Ferreira and Chico Chico , among others. Intellectuals and social movements who participated in the organization of the event, such as Frightened People Fronts and Popular Brazil, jointly with the National Committee of Lula Libre and the Lula Institute, also participated in the day.

"Since President Lula was imprisoned, I understand that the struggle for his freedom should be a central guideline for the entire progressive camp.There is no normal democracy if the country's greatest political leader is still unjustly imprisoned. and that the entire festival team – composed of musicians, producers, technicians and artists – shares the same opinion, "said Daniel Ganjaman, musician and producer.


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