Lula's analysis on the present and the future


The dismissal of Dilma Rousseff began a few hours after his tight victory over the Tucano Aecio Neves. It was the beginning of a process that included the imprisonment and proscription of Lula Da Silva
. Only Brazil remembers the world that surprised the world and rubbed shoulders with major world powers. "Tristeza não tem fim, sim congratulations," say the verses of Antonio Carlos Jobim and Vinicius De Moraes.

– Where can the institutional and political degradation go? from Brazil?

– I'm scared because they have turned the dismantling of labor rights and social security into conquests. We have today in Brazil more than 40 million people working in the informality. We have 12% unemployed. They say on television that this is going to improve. It's as if the Brazilian people were anesthetized. That's why I want to go out here. Because I have to go to the streets to talk to this city and tell them the truth about this government and those people who run Brazil. The privatization process is worse than Menem in Argentina. These people do not run Brazil, they sell Brazil.


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