Lula's first interview with Argentine media …


The former president of Brazil Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva received in Curitiba, where he is under arrest, the rector of the Metropolitan University of Workers (UMET), Nicolás Trotta, and the journalist and candidate for the vice-presidency of the municipal government, Gisela Marziotta .

The first interview that the Brazilian leader gives to an Argentine media will be published by Página / 12. Lula spoke about Argentina's relations with Brazil, the law, his days as a political prisoner and the future of the region.

Trotta shared a video of Da Silva's entry into the Superintendency of Police Room for the interview and greeted the interviewers and the President of the PJ of Buenos Aires and the MP from Parlasur, Víctor Santa María .

"Mission accomplished: an unforgettable experience for the entire team that took part in Lula's first interview with an Argentinean media source since his unfair imprisonment.Lula is a hero of our time, a must, a single cry #LulaBook", wrote Trotta from his Twitter account.


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