Luli Fernández showed his exchanges to a monument commemorating the Holocaust and defended it


Luli Fernández has already published the pbadport of the small Indalecio, his six-month-old son. Together with the father, Cristian Cúneo Libarona, they travel across Europe, the first days of vacation As a family of three.

The first stop of eurotrip It was in Berlin, Germany, that Luli took the opportunity to get in touch with the side the most painful of this city, the memory of the Second World War and the murder of millions of Jews in the hands of the Nazis.

The model shared several postcards of his trip, but there was the one that generated a wave of criticism. During his visit to the Holocaust Monument, a photo was taken with Indalecio and, as always, Mark to the marks of his looked, since Luli works with many companies that give him products to promote in his account. He also posed with a troubled face, depending on the situation.

These two points were subjected to huge comments against the model, as this tweet became viral:

A tweet glared at Luli Fernández for his photo
A tweet hit Luli Fernández for his "touching" photo on a Berlin landmark (Twitter / @ YoElenaX).

The Holocaust monument in Berlin is a must-see tourist attraction of this city, composed of 2711 concrete blocks of different heights which form a sensory labyrinth. It was built between 2003 and 2005 to pay homage to Jews killed in Europe. The place usually generates different emotions among the visitors; deep sadness, uncertainty, anguish, phobia and also moments of reflection.

After reading the comments, the model removed the commercial tags from the postcard and removed many of the negative comments.

This digital incident did not affect the mood of the family, who continues their journey through the German city. Fortunately for the parents, the baby behaves very well and allows them to meet during the day and even to go to dinner in the evening.


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