Lying, corrupting and conspiring to enter the university top


In Varsity Blues, a student from Texas strives to be part of the high school football team to enter the prestigious Brown University. The FBI raid with more than 200 agents in 6 different states is a major scandal involving Hollywood: the 2 web-based photos were of actresses Felicity Huffman (Desperate Housewives) and Lori Loughlin (Forced Parents). ).

The frauds took place in two different ways, according to the researchers:

** Sophisticated strategies have been created to make fraudulent entry exams and / or

** Sports coaches were bribed to admit young people who did not have the required skills as athletes.

The standard was to change the admission tests of children whose parents had paid or to create false profiles of adolescent athletes in the institute when they did not actually have any athletic aptitude.

Felicity Huffman would have paid $ 15,000 for her eldest daughter's modified test.

Lori Loughlin and her husband, fashion designer Mossimo Giannulli, reportedly agreed to pay $ 500,000 for their daughters to be part of the rowing team at the University of Southern California. None of them was a rower. Both were accepted at this university.

Among the candidates at Stanford, John Owen Lowe, son of actor Rob Low, expressed his anger on Twitter against cheaters:

"I studied for months to pbad the SAT test, twice, sometimes three times a week, tons of practice exams, and I ended up following it several times." The academic badessments were not a joke the children potentially put out to stay in their place are awful, and let me tell you: I am extremely grateful to have had the privilege and the opportunity to have a guardian and pay the practice exam programs, but many students could not, they lose the opportunity to go to the school of their dreams because they are moved by someone who does not deserve it. it's really, really disgusting. "

At a press conference, the FBI announced that the fraud system was covering the entire country and extending from 2011 to February 2019.

According to prosecutors, during this period, defendants paid more than $ 25 million to place their children in prestigious study centers, in the biggest scandal of admission fraud at university ever pursued by the Department of Justice.

More than 50 people, including parents, businessmen and university coaches, are accused, as part of Operation Varsity Blues, of committing crimes at the entrance. prestigious universities such as Georgetown, Yale and Stanford, including the Ivy League.

It is possible that, in most cases, the young beneficiaries do not know that their future was favored by a tasty bribe, as pointed out the prosecutor in charge of the case, Andrew Lelling. That's why they have come forward against their parents and those in the educational setting who have conspired so that young people can get a place when they do not deserve it.

The accusations made public by the FBI are known two weeks before the most famous universities announce the admissions for the promotion that will be authorized in 2023. It remains to be seen if all the names of the lists will remain there after the list of candidates from the Statistics Department. Justice initiated the charges.

At a news conference in Boston, the Office of the Prosecutor targeted the parents"The parents are the main driver of this fraud. (…) The real victims of this case are the students who were left out of the process so that much less qualified young people could enter because their families paid for their money. access. ".


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