Macabre discovery of alligator swimming with a knife stuck in the head | Chronic


Activists and protectionists demonstrated against animal abuse after the image of an alligator swimming with a knife dipped in the middle of the head. The reptile was found in this state of gravity in a lake in Texas, United States.

A woman walking around the lake observed a strange animal swimming in the lake. When he approached the creature to discover his species, he was shocked to find that it was an alligator with a knife stuck in the middle of his head .

"I saw something coming out of his head, it looked like a butcher's knife, I do not know if it was in his eye, but he seemed very close to him", the neighbor said. In addition, she was outraged, said she had never seen these animals behave aggressively and took a picture of the situation to broadcast on social networks.

This terrible picture has aroused indignation and concern, especially among activists and protectionists. "We can not imagine that an animal like this has persecuted someone and that this unknown subject was defending himself with a knife, that would be a very strange case, we think that somebody did it on purpose ", they said.

Hundreds of users demonstrated in the networks and asked the authorities to take action so that the animal could be examined and that the situation be clarified immediately.

The image that provoked anger and indignation.


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