Macabre: the family denounces that the hospital gave them something disgusting instead of their baby’s body | the Chronicle


The pain of the death of a child is a punishment that is tattooed on the heart forever, and if to this situation are added others who do not allow it “do the duel” rightly so, it is even more irritating for any parent.

The truth is that a Colombian family is going through a hardship, because He denounced that a hospital gave him a dead rat, in order to pass it through the body of his newborn baby died in this medical center.

Daniel Alejandro Jaramillo, the baby’s father, recounted the events to Children’s News who live in the Colombian department of Ceilán, where in the middle of a control she had been informed that the baby had a very low heart rate.

After that, he moved with his partner to the Colombian city of Tuluá, where he was referred to Tomás Uribe Uribe Hospital: “They bring her into the gynecology area, where they do the surveillance again. A doctor comes out and tells me the baby has no heartbeats, so I imagined he was dead in my wife’s womb. For this reason, they leave her hospitalized and the next day, they give her a paste to ripen the uterus and thus expel the fetus ”, held the man.

The family demands the delivery of the baby’s body (90

In addition, he assured that his partner (Jari Daniela Velez and at the time of the occurrence, she was 28 weeks pregnant), they left him no contact with the baby. “She continued to make the effort to expel what was missing. When he looked up, the baby was nowhere to be found, he could only see the waist part. The nurses only told her it was a girl, nothing more, and they took her from there ”.

In addition, the father added that after this event he went to do the paperwork for the funeral home, where he they asked for the death certificate and an exit ticket for the baby. “There they told me the baby was not in the system, that they had not reported him as dead.”

The funeral home gave them a wrapped rat (90

Then he went to the morgue, where the manager handed him a Styrofoam refrigerator; where, her baby’s body was supposed to be. Once in the viewing room, the manager “He tells me he will start the procedure to find the baby. I find the first bag, where my daughter’s information was, and she found a Styrofoam refrigerator; Inside was another bag attached, pretending it was the body. He put the bag that was in the fridge, inside the coffin to be able to prepare it and when he opened it, we found a rat ”.

As indicated by the portal Turbaco news, for the moment we do not know where the body of the minor is located, situation that has been reported to the authorities. Meanwhile, hospital authorities issued a statement “promising to investigate the matter.”

The statement from the Tomás Uribe Hospital (90


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