Macabre: they found a skeleton in an elevator that had not worked for 24 years


A shocking discovery shook the Kaili district of Basti in the Uttar Pradesh region of India. There, a group of workers were trying to perform maintenance tasks in one of the elevators of a hospital. Technicians forced open the door and found a human skeleton.

The elevator hadn’t worked for 24 years, so no one is sure what happened to this person yet. The elevator broke down in 1997 and from then on no one else used it. The hospital that made the news today in the world Entirely and not precisely because of a sanitary prowess, it was inaugurated in 1991.

The elevator broke down in 1997. Photo: Adobe StockFor: TSUNG-LIN WU –

So far, there isn’t a lot of information on this. All that we know from the local media is that the forensic science has already confirmed that the body belongs to a man and that the DNA of the body is already in the hands of Justice. The relevant investigations have also been opened to access the register of persons missing for almost a quarter of a century.

No one has been able to determine exactly what he was doing on the forklift, let alone have at least an idea of ​​who the person who died there might be. How was it caught still remains a mystery. “Currently, the police are investigating from different angles,” said police spokesman Deependra Nath Choudhary.

Without a doubt, knowing what happened will require an extraordinary effort on the part of the security forces. In this sense, the spokesperson explained that “to resolve the mystery of the male skeleton, 24 police stations in the district were implicated ”.

What to do if you find yourself stuck in an elevator?

Although it is not something very common that happens, it is always good to know what to do in these cases. The first thing specialists recommend is not to lose Calm, since we will never run out of air in an elevator. Although it is very likely that we are nervous, it should be remembered that these devices have their own ventilation systems.

It is important that we never lose our temper if we are locked up. Photo: Adobe Stock

Unlike what we usually see in the movies when the elevators fall, in real life they are ready to prevent disasters because they have automatic braking systems that will stop a possible collapse. It is also important to know that no matter what, we should never try to cope on our own.

Press the button emergency room whether in the cabin or calling the security forces, if you have a signal, that will be the key to being able to leave as soon as possible.


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