Macri and Aguad present the reform of the armed forces


After filing disagreements with the armed forces with a salary increase of 20%, President Mauricio Macri announced today the establishment of the reform and reorganization of the garrison's national defense system Campo de Mayo military.

It is a question of readjustment of the role of the military forces in which the Defense Ministry, Oscar Aguad, has been working for months, whose details will be unveiled today, as announced. this newspaper at the beginning of the month. From a general point of view, official sources have announced a reorganization and re-equipment of the armed forces, with a "strict control of the violation of borders", and an investment in more drone technologies (drones) and in the fight against cyber attacks.

Beyond re-equipment, from a conceptual point of view, there could also be a paradigm shift. It should be recalled that the Chief of Staff, Marcos Peña, acknowledged in his last report to Congress that the military sector could participate in internal security tasks as part of the plan for "reconversion of the military". military instrument into a modern and agile force ".

In this line, the official added that although "the armed forces must also comply with the missions established in Law 24 059 (of Internal Security)," he said that he "works with commitment to strengthen articulation "with the Gendarmerie, the Prefecture and other forces", within the limits set, to address the problems and challenges that concern the Argentine today. "

In other words, there would be an amendment to Decree 7/27 signed by Néstor Kirchner in 2006, which circumscribed military action to respond to" badaults of external origin perpetrated by the armed forces belonging to other states. "Now, the government would seek to extend these functions to include, for example, new forms of crime, such as organized crime, cybercrime or drug trafficking, and thus legalize the movement. troops.

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