Macri and Bolsonaro spoke by phone from Mercosur | Chronic


Casa Rosada, in a statement, reported Tuesday that Mauricio Macri and Jair Bolsonaro They talked about Mercosur, whose presidency "pro tempore" Argentina is now operating and transferring to Brazil in the next semester, as well as "prospects of the bloc's external negotiations".

In addition, as indicated by the Argentine Foreign Ministry, the next visit of the Brazilian President to Argentina was also part of the brief dialogue they had held.

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The visit to Bolsonaro, officially scheduled for June 6, will include business meetings on the theme of the trade bloc, as well as other issues of interest to bilateral relations.
The Mercosur Presidents' Summit will be held in the province of Santa Fe from July 13-17 at the Belgrano Station Convention Center in the provincial capital.

From June 13 to 17, the Mercosur Presidents Summit will be held in Santa Fe (Source: GoogleMaps).

At the same time, the government indicated that the Secretary of Strategic Affairs, Fulvio PompeoHe drove "A mission of the authorities in the field of nuclear safety which began yesterday a two-day visit to Brazil with the aim of knowing in depth the Brazilian submarine development program (PROSUB) and strengthen bilateral strategic relations in the field defense. "

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The delegation is also composed of the Vice Chancellor Gustavo Zlauvinen, the ambbadador to Brazil, Carlos Magariñosand the authorities of the Argentine-Brazilian Audit and Accounting Agency (ABACC) and the Nuclear Regulatory Authority (NRA).

Pompeo said that "We are working to strengthen the strategic relations between the two countries, and it is fundamental to know in depth the relevant and ambitious project led by Brazil".

It has also been indicated that "invited by the general Augusto Heleno, Chief Minister of the Cabinet of Interministerial Security of the Presidency of Brazil, visited the naval complex of Itaguaí (CNI), the unit of manufacture of metal structures (UFEM) and visited the work of the shipyards and the base naval "


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