Macri and other former presidents urged OAS and UN to “take care of the life and integrity” of Jeanine Añez


Former President Mauricio Macri and 22 other former heads of state and government urged the Organization of American States (OAS) and the United Nations (UN) to “exercise their powers” to “To ensure the rights to liberty, life and personal integrity of the former Bolivian leader” Jeanine Añez.

The signatories, all framed in the Democratic Initiative of Spain and the Americas (IDEA), sent their requests to the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, Michelle Bachelet, and to the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights. of the United Nations Man and its Executive Secretariat, Tania. Reneum Panszi, for “adopting precautionary measures”.

The declaration on the humanitarian situation in Añez also expresses its “serious” concern at the statements of the minister of the Bolivian government, Eduardo del Castillo, whom the former president “tried to self-harm in the early morning …, but she has a few small scratches on one of her arms”.

Former Bolivian President Jeanine Añez, during her first night in prison.

Bolivia: Jeanine Áñez tried to kill herself in prison

As a result of these statements by the Bolivian official, they remind the government and the rest of the “democratic” administrations of the Americas of the peaceful doctrine of the inter-American system for the protection of human rights, and they quote that “no one can be subjected to arrest or imprisonment for causes and methods which – still qualified as legal – may be considered incompatible with respect for the fundamental rights of the individual ”.

Finally, the former heads of state and government recall that beyond the reasons which deprive the former president of her freedom, “the lack of humanitarian treatment that manifests itself in its case, if it is not corrected, it places the Bolivian State and its government in the condition of internationally responsible for the life and personal integrity of this one ”.


Bolivian Foreign Minister denounced “an international linkage to bring about the downfall of Evo Morales”

The former provisional president of Bolivia has been in preventive detention for five months for various criminal proceedings related to the coup in 2019 against the government of former President Evo Morales.

The signatories, in order of appearance in the declaration, are: Óscar Arias (Costa Rica), José María Aznar (Spain), Nicolás Ardito Barletta (Panama), Ernesto Pérez Balladares (Panama), Felipe Calderón (Mexico), Rafael Ángel Calderón (Costa Rica), Laura Chinchilla (Costa Rica), Alfredo Cristiani (El Salvador), Vicente Fox (Mexico), Eduardo Frei (Chile), Federico Franco (Paraguay), Osvaldo Hurtado (Ecuador), Luis Alberto Lacalle (Uruguay) , Mauricio Macri (Argentina), Jamil Mahuad (Ecuador), Mireya Moscoso (Panama), Andrés Pastrana (Colombia), Jorge Tuto Quiroga (Bolivia), Miguel Ángel Rodríguez (Costa Rica), Julio María Sanguinetti (Uruguay), Luis Guillermo Solís (Costa Rica), Álvaro Uribe (Colombia) and Juan Carlos Wasmosy (Paraguay).

The UN visited Jeanine Áñez in prison

Representatives of the United Nations (UN) in Bolivia visited the former Bolivian president imprisoned last Sunday (August 22), after learning that on Saturday Áñez had “self-harm” in his arms.

In a statement, the agency said she had “immediate and unrestricted” access to the prison where she interviewed Áñez confidentially, and that found him to have “self-inflicted physical injuries” and that she says she feels “physically weakened and deeply affected emotionally”.

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