Macri and Tabare demand "free and credible elections" in Venezuela


The Argentine President paid a visit to his Uruguayan counterpart in the Presidential Ranch at Anchorena Park in Colonia to badyze bilateral and regional issues. Source: Archive – Credit: Emiliano Lasalvia

MONTEVIDEO.- The Presidents of Uruguay and Argentina have publicly called for Venezuela to hold "free and credible elections with reliable international controls" so that this country can achieve "a democratic solution ".


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They also agreed to propose a Mercosur open to international trade and that the bloc, which also includes Brazil and Paraguay, allow its members to sign "trade agreements with extra-regional countries or with other regional blocks" .

Mauricio Macri


Tabaré Vázquez

in the Uruguayan presidential ranch in the Anchorena Park in Colonia, to badyze the bilateral problems of the region and political considerations on the Bolivarian regime that presides over

Nicolás Maduro.

Argentina is part of the Lima group that rejects Maduro and recognizes as president Juan Guaidó, president of the National Assembly of Venezuela, the unicameral legislator.

Uruguay has just signed two documents with a different tone: one with Mexico and the Caribbean countries calling for dialogue of conflicting parties in Venezuela, and the other with Europe, Ecuador and Costa Rica's hard against Maduro: claiming presidential elections, recognition at the National Assembly and demand for restoration of democracy and the rule of law in this country.

Macri returned to Buenos Aires without making a statement, Vazquez also did not speak to the local press and issued a statement.

In addition to the Venezuelan question, Macri and Vázquez "badyzed the situation regarding Mercosur", stressed its importance and "agreed to relaunch this process of regional integration and its modernization". In this regard, he calls for "prospects and modalities to be reached for concluding trade agreements with extra-regional countries or with other regional blocs".

The two leaders "expressed their views on the economic and trade prospects in the immediate future and the future of the two countries" and agreed to "continue to hold periodic meetings", both presidential elections and will "evaluate the progress of the problems previously raised".


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