Macri announced it raised to 17,500 dollars the floor of the employers' expenses for the SMEs


President Mauricio Macri announced this morning that the non-taxable minimum of employer expenses paid by small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) of regional economies had been increased to 17,500 pesos.

"No employer will pay taxes to work for employees who charge up to 17,500 pesos," said the head of state during his announcement of Casa Rosada.

The Chair added that, in the case of employees who charge more, the tax burden will only be calculated on the excess of the new non-taxable floor.

"This benefit will improve the situation of 200,000 workers in 19 countries and 19,500 companies, and with this measure, they will be encouraged to give more jobs," projected the first president.

Macri pointed out that the measure will also generate "the possibility that more workers will move from informality to job formality, with the rights that this implies and that they clearly deserve".

"What we are doing is promoting this benefit so that workers and businesses are not forced to wait any longer," he said after explaining that the change in the taxable minimum of Employers' charges were to be applied in 2020.

Macri during announcements (La Voz / Federico López Claro).

The head of state felt that this provision was "a step further, so that employees and employers can focus on work and be able to evolve without worrying about the tax burdens generated by their work" .

"Today's announcement is the first step in a productive program in which we will be working all year long and in which many new developments will take place," he said. promised.

In addition, Macri spoke about its official tour of Asia, which will begin tomorrow, with a delegation of more than 120 companies.

Sica during announcements (La Voz / Federico López Claro).

"I'm going to Asia tomorrow." India is an economic superpower that should become the world's second-largest economy, and I'm going to talk to you about the things that Argentines have to offer, do, and look for more growth opportunities for all. ", did he declare.


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