Macri announced measures and self-criticism: I understand his anger and his fatigue


"I am here to share with you the relief measures we are taking to accompany you in this difficult time", the maximum president of the fifth presidential election of Olivos began with his message, although, before clarifying their details, he took a minute to redeem himself by the controversial press conference of Monday

"I want to apologize for what I said at Monday's conference." I was hesitant to do it – at the conference – because I was still very affected by the result of Sunday, and without sleep or sadness for its consequences on the economy, "he said. .


In this press conference, Macri He put the accent on blaming the previous government and the triumph of Alberto Fernández -Front of All- because of the serious situation that included an indiscriminate rise in the dollar and new retail price tags.

"About the result of the vote, I want you to know that I understood them, that I deeply respect the Argentines who voted for other alternatives, those who voted for us in 2015 and this time they chose not to join us, "he said.

In the wake of criticism of him at the head of the country, which reflected a loss of voters, he badured: "It happened, it's the pure and exclusive responsibility of me and my team."

In this sense, Macri considered that "Many Argentines have said," I do not give more, "after a year and a half he called it" very difficult ".

"They felt that I had asked a lot, that it was very difficult, it was like climbing to Aconcagua."He said, "Today, they are exhausted, tired, and arriving at the end of this year has become an impossible task on many occasions."

"I am aware that everyday life has been an exhausting experience"he added.


In a series of promises, the official stressed that his commitment was "to lighten the daily life" of the population, because he had been chosen "to change the country".

"Three and a half years, it's long, but there is not much to fix how damaged the country was"he stressed.

As part of this announcement, he said that improvements for workers, the first thing he reported in the package, are "for the state, the private sector, both informal and formal with regard to dependency and the self-employed ".

Dependent workers will receive up to an additional two thousand pesos in September and October, as the state will badume personal contributions.

"For those who pay a profit, we will change the tax so that they receive about two thousand more pesos in their pocket each month until the end of the year", he said.

As for the monotributists, informal and unemployed, they will benefit from two additional payments of AUH per child.

The armed forces, security forces and state employees will receive a bonus at the end of the month of five thousand pesos.

Macri revealed that he would meet him Salary advice reach an agreement and raise the minimum wage.

"We will increase the Progress Progress grant by 40% for all students who make efforts," he said.

And at the end of the package, it included SMEs: "We recognize their value and know the debts they have."

This sector of the economy will have the advantage of being able to pay in ten years the obligations stemming from the AFIP.

Finally, he said that the price of gasoline will freeze for "the next ninety days".

In conclusion, he said: "I have always maintained that dialogue is the only way and I will continue to do so".

The head of Together for change He insisted that he wanted to dialogue with all political spaces to ensure peace during the electoral process, he said: "I am available 24 hours a day."

"I want to insist that I deeply respect the decision of the Argentines, I understand their anger, their fatigue.I just ask you not to doubt the work we have done together, because it is too much," a- he declared.

Before closing, he encouraged the population to opt for his political project: "As President, I am here to continue to fight for this future that we all deserve. That's why I tell you, let's go Argentineans! We are going out of it by going out several times. "


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