Macri announced that Argentina would export soy flour to China – informed, back


President Mauricio Macri announced Tuesday a "historic agreement" with China under which Argentina will export soy flour to the Asian giant.

"After 20 years of negotiations, we have reached an agreement, China is the world's largest consumer of vegetable protein for livestock feed and we are now going to sell them a higher value product," said President.

In social networks, he said that it was "a new key for the agricultural sector".

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HISTORICAL AGREEMENT: WE WILL EXPORT Soymeal to China. After 20 years of negotiations, we reached an agreement. China is the world's largest consumer of vegetable protein for livestock feed and we will now sell you a higher value product

– Mauricio Macri (@mauriciomacri) September 10, 2019

"Our country is the largest exporter of soybean meal and one of the largest markets in the world, which means more labor, more work in the agri-food sector and more. more opportunities for Argentines, "he said.

The Minister of Agriculture and Livestock of Cordoba, Sergio Busso, declared Chain 3 that "it is always good to have a bigger destiny for our products".

"Today, they definitely announced the historic harvest that we can show, which makes Cordoba the largest producer of cereals.This is good news at this time of uncertainty.You set the rules clear game for the producer, "he said.

"There are a lot of open markets, it's Argentina and it's a way that needs to be consolidated, but it's very positive," he added.

Interview of "Informed, on his return"


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