Macri arrived in Vietnam with the intention of expanding trade agreements | Chronic


President Mauricio Macri arrived in Vietnam on Tuesday, where an official visit will begin on Wednesday, including meetings with the president Phu Trong and other senior government officials, signing bilateral agreements and participating in a business forum that promotes trade expansion with Argentina.

Accompanied by the first lady, Juliana Awadaand members of his entourage, Macri arrived in the Vietnamese capital a few minutes after 23 hours local (13 hours in Argentina) on a flight from Mumbai, the last leg of his visit to India.

The activity of the president in Hanoi will start Wednesday at 10:15 local time (0.15 Argentina time) at the Government Palace, where he will be received by Trong.

Previously, the official welcoming ceremony will be held with the performance of the national anthems, the revision of the troops and the presentation of the governmental committees.

Before his arrival at the seat of government, the head of the Argentine state will lay a wreath in front of the Monument to National Heroes and Martyrs and another at the Ho Chi Minh Mausoleum.

Then Macri, with his wife, will lay a wreath in honor of the fallen soldiers in the war against France and the United States, then will go to the mausoleum that keeps the remains of Ho Chi Minh to also pay tribute to the one who was military, Prime Minister and President of the Democratic Republic of Vietnam, known as North Vietnam.

The first president and members of his entourage will be received by an honor guard of the Vietnamese army and will then attend the ceremony at the site where the two monuments are located.

Later, he will visit the presidential palace in Hanoi at 10 am, where he will hold a bilateral meeting with his counterpart, the President of Vietnam.

Presidents and other authorities will travel to Hall A of the Presidential Palace, where they will sign agreements and exchange documents, and then hold a long meeting of the two delegations.

In the afternoon, Macri will visit the government office, where he will be received by the Prime Minister. Nguyen Xuan Phuc, with whom you will meet in the great hall.

He will then attend the National Assembly, where he will be received by the President of the Legislative Body of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam. Nguyen Thi Kim Ngan.

Subsequently, he will hold a hearing with the Prime Minister Xuan Phuc in the government office.

At 6:30 pm, Macri and members of her delegation will visit the International Convention Center where the First Lady will entertain her with a meal hosted by President Nguyen in the Grand Ballroom, where he will attend an arts performance. Both leaders are expected to speak.

An intense Thursday

On Thursday, starting at 9 am, the head of state will attend the opening of the Argentina-Vietnam Business Forum, at the Meliá Hotel Hanoi, where he will post a message after the words of welcome from the head of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry. from Vietnam, Vu Tien Loc.

A hundred Argentine businessmen, mainly representatives of SMEs from eleven provinces, will participate in the meeting.

Government authorities from both countries will discuss the possibility of strengthening and expanding trade links and investment flows in different areas, such as the agri-food and technology sectors.

At noon, Macri will begin the trip to Abu Dhabi, the capital of the United Arab Emirates, the last leg of the tour.


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