Macri arrives in Rosario with the march of Yes you can


President Mauricio Macri will lead the march "Yes, you can" tomorrow at Parque España, in the last stage of the electoral campaign for the general elections next Sunday.

The national president, who wants to be reelected by Space Together for Change, is scheduled to appear tomorrow, at age 18, on the steps in Sarmiento and on the river.

Thus, Macri begins the last stage of the election campaign before the electoral ban that will begin next Friday at 8 o'clock.

>> Read more: Did Macri wear a helmet during the presidential debate?

In addition, from the president, the participation of other national leaders of Juntos por el Cambio and candidates from the province of Santa Fe is expected.

In the perspective of tomorrow's demonstration, the candidate for Santa Fe's national deputy, Federico Angelini, invited "all the neighbors to occupy the Parque España and consolidate in the city the rebellion that the Argentineans demonstrate throughout the country and confirmed on Saturday, July 9th and at the Flag Monument, to definitely return this election. "

He also stressed that "we are facing a historic opportunity that we can not miss this Sunday so that all the efforts of the Santa Fe during these three years are not in vain".

In this sense, he pointed out "that during these elections, we will define whether we want to live with lies, corruption and accusations again, or if, on the contrary, we will bet on freedom, the truth, federalism and growth. real from 2020 ".


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