Macri: "Asia is the region that can help us grow the most" | Chronic


President Mauricio Macri he argued that "Asia is the region that can most help us increase our trade and investment, and Vietnam is an increasingly important partner to project us".

Far from the position we have just badumed, in 2015, the president is now trying to bring investors to the East. For this reason, Macri was in a good mood when he spoke at the Argentina-Vietnam Business Forum, during his last activity in Hanoi, before leaving for Abu Dhabi, in the United Arab Emirates, where he will meet the Crown Prince. Mohammed bin Zayed.

During his speech, the head of state recalled that "Vietnam is already our fifth largest trading partner in the world and the second in this region", and "Our friendship and our great economic complementarity make Vietnam an indispensable partner of our country".

He pointed out that for this reason "During this visit, we wish to consolidate these bonds of affection and mutual respect, by developing trade and cooperating in strategic sectors such as innovation and food production", as well as in the development of telecommunications.

He added that in the same way that Argentina was trying to advance Vietnamese technology so that this country could produce more food. He said that Argentina too "proposes to work on the development of nuclear energy for peaceful purposes"as well as to explore the possibilities of defense. In addition, he mentioned the possibility of setting up football schools in the Asian country to help a better local development of this sport.

President Macri thus closed the forum held on the first floor of the hotel Melia Hanoi and thanked the authorities of the country for their hospitality, which demonstrates the "Huge affection of the Vietnamese people for the Argentine people".

I also read: <a href = " Vietnam-our-food-and-we-want-help-to-produce-20190220-0005.html "target =" _ blank ">Macri: "Vietnam needs food and we want to help produce it"

Addressing entrepreneurs from both countries, Macri stressed the importance of "to interact, find complementary areas to develop together a market as important as Asia and, at the same time, supply the American market".

About 60 Argentine companies took part in the business tour in Vietnam, most of them SMEs, while another 85 companies were represented in India, the first leg of the trip to Asia.
Macri pointed out in his speech that "From Argentina, a little over three years ago, we have started the path of a profound change towards greater responsibility".

Macri During his interview at the hotel Melia Hanoi.

"Starting with fiscal responsibility, with more jobs, clear rules of the game, a more efficient state and closer to the private sector so that together we can work for the development of the country", the impulse of private initiative.

He also pointed out that "We integrate with the world in an intelligent, pragmatic and flexible way"and pointed out that "Unprecedented support in our history was evident in the recent presidency we had at the G20 in Buenos Aires".

READ ME: <a href = " Vietnam-with-l & # 39; intention-to-develop agreements-commercial-20190219-0046.html "target =" _ blank ">Macri arrived in Vietnam with the intention of expanding the commercial agreements

Macri badured that "We are facing a scenario of high expectations" in which "There are countless areas in which to work together".

Finally, the head of state invited participants to the forum "to be central actors on this path of greater integration between our countries".


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