Macri asked him to take charge of raising the dollar and Alberto F responded


The president asked them to take charge of escalating the dollar after the STEP. "If you need me, I'll talk to him tomorrow," said candidate K.

After President Mauricio Macri blamed Kirchnerism for the dollar's escalation after the primary elections, he raised more than $ 10 and asked to take over, Frente de Todos' candidate Alberto Fernández said. nothing, not even an elected president, I do not have the pen to sign decrees. "

The markets will react negatively to the results of the PASO in Argentina, where the formula Macri-Miguel Angel Pichetto suffered a brutal defeat by obtaining 32% of the votes before 47% of the Fernández-Cristina Kirchner pair. tendency to change direction during the presidential election of October.

With these figures on Sunday, the exchange rate rose nearly 20 dollars Monday morning and was reduced after the intervention of the Central Bank which led to 57.30 dollars, or more than 10 dollars at the closing on Friday.

"Today, we are poorer than before PASO," Macri said at a press conference held in the afternoon, during which he said: is presented with his partner, the pernist Pichetto, and without any minister.

"I do not manage the markets, it's the people who decide to invest," he said. "The alternative Kirchner has no credibility in the world, I told you three and a half years ago," he accused voters.

"We are asking Kirchner to take care of the weather generated after the elections," he said without self-criticism.

Finally, he said: "I have instructed the economic team to prepare measures to take care of the Argentines and carry out the task of governing, so that this electoral process no longer punishes the Argentines".

Alberto Fernández went out at night to answer him.

"When I saw these things, beyond that, they were" coucheados "when they said they were listening to the people, they did not understand anything because what we got seen at Macri 's press conference, it is that they will continue to do the same, blame Kirchnerism, Everything goes wrong for Kirchnerism and now that his term ends, c & # 39; is the government's fault that will come, "said the award-winning Primary candidate enjoying a 15-point advantage over the judgment.

In statements on television, the former chief of staff was "worried like any Argentine about what is happening in the country".

"What we see is a huge difficulty for the government to find a solution to the problems it faces, and the worst part is that not only does it not solve them, it aggravates them." And in the middle are the Argentines. In these terms, beyond the enormous satisfaction of being understood as an alternative to change, we see a fugitive president, angry with reality and accusing Kirchnerism, "he added.

In addition, he continued: "Half of Argentina voted us and he continues to insist that we have the same problems as Venezuela."

On the other hand, he revealed that Macri did not call him, unlike the Minister of the Interior, Public Works and Housing, Rogelio Frigerio, and the Speaker of the Chamber of Deputies, Emilio Monzó.

Regarding the possibility of a dialogue with the national president when he summons it, Fernández explained: "I want the Argentines to stop suffering and this government to only suffer them, if my intervention serves to stop suffering I would do it, but I am nothing, not even an elected president. a simple candidate I do not have the pen to sign. He is proud of what he has done. I can not believe it: four and a half million poor people and he says the world is scared for us. "

"The dialogue channel is absolutely open. If Macri needs me, I'll talk to him tomorrow. But I do not want to lie to people like him, let 's talk about it and he will leave (Nicolás) Dujovne, who owns 80% of the badets abroad and governs the badets of the Argentineans. Macri wants to talk to me and leaves (Guido) Sandleris, who does not even agree with the Central Bank and who is a usurper president who ravaged the currencies of Argentina ", has -he declares.

In this sense, he added: "I speak with Macri and these doubts allow us to solve them."

On the possibility of joining Roberto Lavagna as Minister of Economy in the event of election to the presidency, he said: "With Lavagna, we are working together to get the country out of the crisis, we think the same thing, because it was in my place, I would say the same as I. The problem is that there is no investment, because the Minister of Economy has 80% of badets abroad, that is, he does not trust his own policies. "

"Which president would not like Lavagna to be minister of the economy. He is one of the most virtuous men. I do not know what Lavagna wants to do, besides you are the only one to have picked up the phone to congratulate me. "

Legalization of abortion

In addition, he said he favored the decriminalization of abortion and that it should be a "topic on the agenda" to avoid generating "an increasing number of" 39; illegal abortions "because he does not want" that no other woman dies ", while noting that the relationship with Brazil must be" splendid ".

The relationship with Brazil

Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro and Todos Front presidential candidate Alberto Fernández organized a tense crossing after PASO. From his neighbor country, the Brazilian president has criticized the results and badured that if they repeat themselves during the October elections, there will be an exodus of Argentines, just like what is happening in Venezuela. Kirchner's candidate replied, "I'm very glad you're talking bad about me, he's a racist, a misogynist, a violent one."

The opposition candidate, who won an overwhelming majority in Sunday's elections, said: "With Brazil, we are going to have a good win, Brazil will always be our main partner, and Bolsonaro is a turning point in the life of the opposition. Brazil, as far as Macri the life of Argentina ".

"I only ask Jair Bolsonaro to let Lula free," said Alberto Fernández, who said: "I am not Venezuela."

Finally, he said that the Argentine federal justice "is a justice that expects too much of the political power that responds to the power of the day and that is bad justice".

"This happened at any time, but no one mingled with Macri, who emptied the entire room and left (Martín) Irurzún alone."

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