Macri asks for "responsibility" to deal with the budget – El Ancasti


President Mauricio Macri asked political leaders to address the "responsibility" of the budget for next year and claimed that the IMF does not "ask for anything odd" as part of the 39; agreement signed with this entity for a credit of $ 50 billion

"I hope that in the discussion of the new budget, the responsibility and generosity of all the leadership will come to think of what is suitable for all the Argentines, "said the head of state. Macri said that "it is better to strengthen the country and not be as exposed to external volatility as it has happened to us from May to December."

Asked about the risk of going to the International Monetary Fund (IMF), "zero," but points out that "what is dangerous is when we Argentines deceive us".
"They do not ask us anything strange, do not spend more than us, Argentina today has the support of the whole world and we are on the right track."

He pointed out that "we are more and more Argentineans who have realized that the possibilities for growth are almost endless if we take this backpack that crushes us several decades ago."
In this sense, he complained of having "a state spending more than the taxes we pay, which are very high and have to go down".

"We must commit ourselves to the state collaborating in the development of each Argentina and not generating a backpack for inflation or debt accumulation", considered.
On reducing spending in public administration, Macri is complaining because "nobody wants to give anything" and added that "every day there are discussions with someone who has a privilege in the public budget ".
He acknowledged that SMEs "need credit to grow" and said that all efforts were aimed at strengthening the economic process to "generate quality jobs".

Armed Forces
On the other hand, the head of state is questioning the rejection of the opposition to the decree that redefined the role of the armed forces. In this regard, he warned that they were giving the debate "based on prejudices" and has ratified that the army "will not participate in homeland security", but will provide logistical support in the fight against drug trafficking and other problems.

can continue to raise everything in terms of a tragic and unfortunate episode that happened 50 years ago, "Macri said on the criticism of human rights organizations in the United States. decree.

Today, Macri will be based in Johannesburg, South Africa, to participate in the Tenth BRICS Summit, the world's most powerful group of emerging economies, including Brazil, Russia, the United States, and the United States. India, China and the host country.

Macri will present as part of the "BRICS Plus" initiative, a space that encourages the bloc to deepen cooperation among emerging countries through invitations to countries such as Argentina, Jamaica, Turkey and Egypt.

Upon arrival at the OR Tambo International Airport, the President travels to the Hilton Sandton hotel for a commute of approximately 20 minutes, where the organization provides accommodation. Subsequently, he will have some free time until he meets with the President of the Russian Federation, Vladimir Putin, at the Four Seasons Hotel on the outskirts of Johannesburg.

Later, he will hold a meeting with the President of the People's Republic of China, Xi Jinping, at the Michelangelo Hotel, located a few meters from Plaza Mandela.

With the two leaders, Macri seeks to badyze the possible investments of these countries, particularly related to public works.

The head of state closed this intense day in bilateral with the Prime Minister of the Republic of India, Narendra Modi.

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