Macri called for "ending" violence against women – Telam


President Mauricio Macri pleaded Thursday to "end the violence forever" and stressed that, given the high rate of femicides in the country, where a crime against a woman is committed every 32 hours, "c & # 39; is a reality that must continue to change ".

Macri made the remarks during the presentation of the Spotlight project, an alliance between the European Union and the United Nations aimed at preventing, combating and punishing violence against girls and women.

Macri led the presentation of the Spotlight program in Argentina

"In our country, every 32 hours, a woman dies for femicide," Macri warned, adding that "it is a reality that we must continue to change."

The head of state said that it was necessary to "end the violence forever and for that, we must start with the education we give to our children."

"We must all give the example because we are talking about a cross-cutting issue," added the president.


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