Macri condemned the trade wars at a summit hostile to Trump's policies


Criticism "the escalation of unilateral measures" that affect the whole world; although he avoided questioning the American president, his message was a nod to China Credit: Presidency

JOHANNESBURGO.- With a nod to the prevailing climate in the

Brics summit
(Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa) and in particular at the request made a day ago by the Chinese president,

Xi Jinping

Mauricio Macri
severely questions "the escalation of unilateral measures" that cross the international arena and advocates the search for consensus and "global governance" as "an insurance against the discretion of power".

It was not necessary to pronounce the name of

Donald Trump
. The president of the United States was the recipient of most of the criticisms that circulated during the Brics summit, the trade war launched against China and protectionist measures that also affected Russian exports, especially metals. India and South Africa

Although he delivered a more energetic speech than expected, Macri sought to navigate the tensions between Trump and Xi, who have the world in suspense . Not only because of the commercial and financial links that Argentina has with the two powers, but also because it badumes the presidency
pro tempore of the G-20 and must prevent these tensions from ruining the summit of heads of government to be held in Buenos Aires on November 30 and December 1. He did it last week, at the meeting of the group's finance ministers, in Buenos Aires. The criticism of protectionism and the trade war was contained in a paragraph of the final document, sealed by the parties

That is why Macri was talking about "escalating multilateral measures" but adding "retaliation "to this account. A day earlier, Xi had confirmed that he would not only replicate the tariffs that Trump imposed on 36,000 million US dollars in Chinese products, but also the 14,000 million US dollars of new taxes that the states States threaten to establish.


Macri puts the emphasis on the economic impact on other countries that generates this trade war between two

Just remember the decline in the price of soybeans that affects Argentina . "The escalation of unilateral actions and retaliation has a potential systemic impact on growth and puts pressure on the effectiveness of multilateralism, we must be able to build a consensus that takes into account differences and favors common interest". On this basis, he constructed the most commented paragraphs of his summit address. "The key to our ambitious agenda has been and will continue to be the consensus, it is with the same spirit that we preside the G20, that is what we want for the G20: whether it is a space of coordination to find ground "

" It is time to strengthen global governance, frankly but with respect, with principles but with practical solutions. Multilateralism is not, and should not be, a ritual of photos for the press, it is an badurance against the discretion of power and a commitment to global coexistence to which we are intended. "

Macri added, at the end of his speech, a new nod to the presidents of the countries that make up the Brics and the other leaders invited to the closing of the summit. occasion he referred to the "Global South" instance, through which emerging country leaders seek political, commercial and financial cooperation that functions as an umbrella against traditional powers.

"South Global is represented in If we must face together our common challenges, we must all do our part.We all have a great responsibility, "said Macri.

He did not stop there:" We We are leading the presidency [del G-20] with a vision of the South, with the aim of conveying the voice not only of a country, but of an entire region. Latin America and the Caribbean have a lot to offer. 39, world order, thanks to the talent of its population, s has a rich endowment of natural resources and as a zone of peace and cooperation. "

Argentina 's difficult economic situation did not escape Macri' s speech." In fact, it was the first thing he mentioned after thanking him for the "bad weather". invitation from the host president, Cyril Ramaphosa. "As you know, our country is going through a period of profound changes, we Argentines have decided to go ahead, to face the problems and to try to solve them instead of hiding them, "he said without the need to talk about Kirchnerism, he mentioned the shocks that have affected the country in recent months, partly because of this international situation: "A few weeks ago, the economy was facing a storm due to external volatility and some domestic factors, but we have overcome it and stay the course, we are confident that we are making the right efforts. "

The shadow of D? Elía

Unlike the day before, when Macri managed to tie three bilateral with Xi; Russian President Vladimir Putin, and Prime Minister of India, Ravendra Modi, yesterday Macri had barely a few minutes to talk with his Brazilian counterpart, Michel Temer, and with the president of the country. South Africa, with which he left two cooperation agreements between national parks and the manufacture of Pampa aircraft (reported separately).

From there, the president had to go to Johannesburg airport, congested by the departure of other heads of state. He met there with his wife, Juliana Awada, and with his daughter Antonia, who had left early

. However, he was allowed to speak on the phone with a radio in Bariloche and to commit to the continuity of state contracts. In Invap

He also took the opportunity to call "bestial" statements by Luis D 'Elía, who had proposed to "shoot" the president of the Plaza de Mayo. An overview of the other tensions that await you when you land in the country

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