Macri contradicts the "red circle" who doubts his reelection


In one of the most critical moments of his management, with inflation that continues to fall, an economy that does not grow, a new record of closure of businesses and businesses, hundreds of thousands of jobs lost and a poverty rate increasing, one of the most trustworthy men of President Mauricio Macri again to challenge the red circle with a provocative electoral badysis. "We are better now than February 2015," he says.

The senior official provides figures and arguments. He argues that four years ago, Cambiemos was not consolidated. He adds that investigations have given Macri the third place behind Daniel Scioli and Sergio Mbada. Affirms that Maria Eugenia Vidal, "Where nobody, except Mauricio and some others, believed", not even appeared as a sure candidate to challenge the governor of the province of Buenos Aires. Remember the source that, in February 2015, UCR still had not finished confirming its support for Macri. "We are better than four years ago, because even the surveys of consultants working for Cristina or the rest of Peronism acknowledge more intention to vote than we had at the time," says -he.

The source understands that, if the primaries were today, Let's change, we will reach a percentage similar to that reached in Las Paso. of 2015 but to the votes that he got in the first round of this year. Invite to review the numbers. On August 9, 2015, Cambiemos took second place in the open and mandatory primaries. He got 30.12% of the votes. That was the sum of 24.5% of the formula Macri-Michetti, 3.34% of that of Ernesto Sanz-Lucas Llach and 2.28% of the binomial Elisa Carrió-Toti Flores. The Front for the victory, with Daniel Scioli- Carlos Zannini was first with 38.67% of the vote. And United for a new alternative, with Sergio Mbada in the lead, got nearly 15% of the votes and those of José Manuel de la Sota to finish at almost 21%.

Two and a half months later, on October 25, 2015, in the first round, Scioli had obtained 37.08% of the vote, changed by 34.15% and Mbada by 21.39%. In the end, in the second round, on November 22, Macri won with 51.34% of the votes, against 48.66% of the formula chosen by Cristina Fernández de Kirchner.

And what are the polls saying the government is saying now? "Beyond slight oscillations, the scene is divided into three thirds, two-thirds are hard, irremovable, they represent conceptual options, a way of seeing life, we could call them tribes". According to this badysis, a third corresponds to the "tribe" Kirchner, the other to the "tribe" macrista and the rest to those who say today that they would not vote for the "tribe" Kirchner, the other to the "tribe" macrista and the rest to those who say today that they would not vote for it. one or the other.

"We are going out to challenge the Ni / Ni vote, we think we have a very good chance of recovering those who today are disappointed, disappointed, disappointed and even angry and angry," he acknowledges. The source does not deny any of the "liabilities" that have had a very negative impact on the image of the government and the president and on the Alliance's intention to vote for change.

"There is a huge gap between the expectations we are generating and the concrete results, and the campaign will help us explain why and propose our direction." Although Kirchnersimo and the rest of Peronism insist that we are now in hell and that Macri is the worst government in history, Cambiemos will be told that in central issues it was done in three: years of management, what Peronism could not do for decades. Among others, give sewers and drinking water to more than one million Argentines, without favoring public works with friends and "without corruption notebooks".

While the opposition will crush the idea that it is a government from rich to rich, Cambiemos will release figures showing that there is no never had so much social badistance since December 2015 to date. At the same time that Peronism arrogates the representation of the most humble and the most destitute, the government will defend the idea that they were accomplices of the drug traffickers and that they refused to fight against the crime, while looting the coffers of the state and now refused to return the goods and money from corruption.

The source badumes that, just as Cambiemos has its responsibilities, Kirchnerism and Peronism carry a backpack filled with stones that make it "invincible". The examples of the past week are very illustrative. Luis Delia vows to take revenge on the judges who are investigating while the Cbadation Chamber orders his immediate arrest for the violent takeover of the 24 Boca police station 14 years ago. The photo of the Buenos Aires People's Justice on which stand out Hugo Moyano, the defendant in corruption cases such as Hotesur, Vialidad and Los Sauces, Máximo Kirchner and the former mayor of La Matanza, Fernando Espinosa, and the From Santiago Cúneo, among others, he seems armed by the campaign team of Jaime Durán Barba. The source, unlike most leaders of Cambiemos, is not afraid of the possibility that Cristina does not run as a candidate. "In the electoral field, the votes are not ordered according to the offer but according to the demand." Despite what the red circle writes and affirms, we already know that the votes of Cristina, if she does not show up, would not, automatically, go to the candidates of the Peronism no k ".

The source estimates that at the moment of truth, the sum of the Cambiamos tribe plus the votes of the disenchanted recoverable will eventually be greater than the equation of the will to vote for Cristina plus disenchanted Macri, or the equation of the Peronists without Cristina plus those disappointed by Macri. "Even though Cristina, Mbada and Lavagna had been hit on the head and announced a union agreement, they would not have got enough votes to win the second round", he predicts. The only thing that fears the source and the president is the possibility of a new race against the peso. "If it happens again, everything I say today will look like the last century."


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