Macri could give a good: China will buy Argentine pork


President Mauricio Macri announced this afternoon the opening of the Chinese market to Argentine pork, after the trip made in this Asian country by the Secretary of the Agri-Food Industry, Luis Miguel Etchevehere.

At La Pompeya pork factory in Marcos Paz, Macri celebrated China's decision with a short video on Facebook.

Three new refrigerators can be exported, in addition to the 22 refrigerators already exported. Everything will depend on the authorization of the National Service of Health and Quality in Agriculture (SENASA). Thus, the first evaluations were attributed to La Pompeya, Campo Austral and Paladini.

Macri was surrounded by presidents of rural entities: Daniel Pelegrina, from Sociedad Rural Argentina (SRA); Darío Chiesa, of Confederaciones Rurales Argentinas (CRA); Daniel Kindebaluc, Coninagro; and Carlos Achetoni, from the Argentine Agrarian Federation (FAA).

This announcement is the result of the mission to Beijing, the Chinese capital, which led last week Etchevehere, former president of the SRA. There, he went to ask permission for the soybean meal to make its entrance once in this Asian market. And he also asked that they let Argentina export pork from supply problems faced by China as a result of the African fever epidemic.

This epidemic has decimated its production holdings and, according to latest estimates, will result in the slaughter or death of at least 130 million head, a third of China's total output, according to El Cronista last week.

According to official information, the number of pigs slaughtered in Argentina reached 560,639 head in March this year. If the quarter from January to March is taken into account and compared to the same period of the previous year, the variation is 3% higher. 1,640,399 heads were slaughtered during the first three months of the year.

As far as production is concerned, 50,110 tonnes were produced in March of this year. The interannual variation of the first quarter gave a positive result of 5% compared to the same period of 2018, reaching 148 390 tn.

In addition, per capita consumption increased by 3.8% over the first two months of 2018 and reached 14.07 kg per capita per year.

In the first two months of this year, exports from the pork export complex increased by 41% over the same period of 2018. Finally, between 2015 and 2018, pork exports increased by 555% in Argentina.

In its announcement on Facebook, Macri said: "We want to progress, inserted in the world" and, in this perspective, 22 refrigeration facilities will be allowed to export. He added that it could also be sold in Japan, Israel and the United States.

"They have confidence in the quality of our products and we will comply with them, which is an important job for hog producers, food producers and slaughterhouses who go fishing," he said. .

Then, the president badyzed the situation of recent days in relation to the rise of the dollar. "We are taking steps to mitigate the transition, we are doing well, it's the road, without shortcuts, without magic solutions and without fixes, which has brought us back and brought us more problems than solutions," he said. he declared.

"We went to solve the problems at the root and eliminate the rotten roots that have bound us and that do not allow us to progress.This often means unfriendly decisions, I am here to do what you need and not to mortgage. Future, "said Macri.


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