Macri differed from kichnerismo: "We do not enter like diaries"


"Today, Argentina has the largest press release in its history", badured the president Mauricio Macri in a cataract of tweets in which he sought to differentiate himself from Kirchnerism in terms of media relations and freedom of expression.

The image of Jorge Capitanich as chief of staff breaking a copy of the journal Clarín in a plenary lecture, he still remains in memory of one of the strongest signs of the war between the Kirchner and the Clarín Group. Therefore, Macri, without specifically mentioning this attitude and others from the previous government, said: "We do not enter the newspapers like brutes or cbadons."

"We do not disqualify, we do not accept that they" judge "the journalists in the Plaza de Mayo as it happened just 9 years ago, "said the president, adding in one message:" We do not accept that the public image is spat, we are not Let us not insult, we do not enter the newspapers like tyrants, or break them, we do not spill the antennaswe do not create propaganda programs to attack those who think differently or use football to praise or persecute us. "

ARGENTINA HAS THE GREATEST FREEDOM OF PRESS IN ITS HISTORY. At the semi-annual meeting of the Inter-American Press Association held this week, Argentina has distinguished itself for the third year in a row by the total freedom of the press that prevails in the country.

– Mauricio Macri (@mauriciomacri) March 31, 2019

In the same vein, he nodded again to the Clarín group, remembering when the Kirchner had put the Boca or river Sunday night to get a note for the program Journalism for all of Jorge Lanata. "We do not change the schedules of football games to alter the ranking of TV shows", he said.

Business man Cristobal López He was not spared criticism from the president either. "We do not buy media with intermediaries avoiding taxeswe do not block newspaper trucks. We are not doing anything against freedom of expression, "he said.

The ridicule of Elisa Carrió to C5N workers

Macri's statements come after the pro-government MP Elisa Carrió went to lecture at the Hannah Arendt Institute and when he learned that there was a journalist from C5N In this case, he had a strong message in front of his cameras. In addition, at the exit, a chronicler of the chain ironically put an end to the crisis which his workers underwent for the payment phased salary, after the blocking of the account of payment of the salary. "Where are the C5N criminals?"Carrió asked at the same time that the chronicler Lautaro Maislin arrived in the room where he delivered his speech. And he again asked, "Where are the criminals of C5N? Part of the Argentine delinquency".

"Today, in Argentina, freedom is absolute, it has become so transparent that it has become absolute, but it is worth remembering that what we are experiencing is the result of having abandoned for still the secret mechanisms used by previous governments to submit freedom, "said Macri. tweets.

The words of the Head of State are given in the context of the conclusions of the mid-year meeting last week. Inter-American Press Association.

The Pope, Macri, Clarín and Lanata

Macri has saved the concepts expressed in this forum of the informant for Argentina, Daniel Dessein, which valued the validity in the country of "a wide freedom of expression and of the press" and "the elimination of harbadment practices suffered by journalists and the media during the previous stages" .

"Never before has there been less money spent on advertising than this government, which directly means that official advertising is not used as a means of domesticating the media or sending journalists as before, "he continued.

He went on to say that his government "does not intervene and does not influence" editorial decisions, nor "does not question the work of the media or press professionals".

And he concluded: "We are not afraid of freedom, we know that the Argentines want to be free forever, we change."

E.D. / D.S.


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