Macri: difficult with Alberto Fernández, "la ventajita" of Massa and his defense at Mercado Libre


"All the things that he said were wrong," he said about his main rival. criticisms of arrogant trade unionists Credit: CNN

At one month of the PASSES,

Mauricio Macri

his speech against Kirchnerism. In an interview that he gave to the reporter

Marcelo Longobardi

on the channel CNN, the president targeted the candidate of Frente de Todos,

Alberto Fernández

, his main opponent in the next election and called him a liar.

Macri said he had two meetings with Fernandez when he was head of the government of Buenos Aires. "All the things that he said were wrong, all he's committed is a lie, these are not happy encounters," he said.

The head of state felt that if Alberto Fernández won the formula

Cristina Kirchner,

Argentina could enter an authoritarian system. "Cristina Kirchner sees politics in this way, she sees it as an imposition and a denial, because not only is the economic reality denied every day, the social relationship, the systematic violation of democratic institutions is denied, and the justice ceases to be an independent power, "he said.

And he claimed that there was no freedom of expression in the country when Kirchnerism was in power. "The road they propose is generating worldwide rejection and destruction of the future for the Argentines," he added.

Against Mbada and the trade unionists

The president also questioned the leader of the Renovador Front,

Sergio Mbada

, who returned to Kirchnerism to run for the position of national deputy of the province of Buenos Aires.

"Having made efforts to convince him of the direction the world is taking and how he has behaved, I am not surprised," he said of the return of the tigrense to the ranks of Cristina Kirchner. And he added: "A small advantage must be eliminated".

In addition, the President has charged trade unionists

Hugo Moyano

(Road Drivers), Sergio Palazzo (banking sector) and Pablo Biró (APLA). He said that they were "arrogant" and "do not understand the change" occurred in the country from the 2015 elections.

"This is the discussion I have with Mr. Moyano, when he accuses what he claims for his union: left, right, he leaves many people without work," he said.

Defended Free Mercado

Then, Macri spoke
conflict between Palazzo and the company Mercado Libre. "This man is another arrogant and wants to move from a system that improves technology to serving people," said the president about the president of the banking union, who will seek to affiliate his union with the workers of the highest-rated Argentine company. of the world.

Shortly after, Macri
Biró attacked: "There are 90% of Argentines who still do not fly frequently, why do they have to pay Biró all their privileges and inefficiencies that cost billions of pesos a month?" continues to cost more than 2 billion pesos a month to Argentines who do not fly. "



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