Macri dodged to define the trade war but G20 ministers pleaded for international trade – 07/22/2018


The G20 finance ministers' meeting ended this afternoon in Buenos Aires with a statement on the trade war that the United States is leading with China, and much of of his allies. Also President Mauricio Macri, who made a final report before them avoided referring to the critical situation, which exploded fundamentally with the outbreak of Donald Trump on the world stage.

"A few weeks ago we had to deal with turbulence due to external volatilities and some internal factors, we managed to navigate these turbulent waters and stay the course." We are convinced that we make the necessary efforts " said a Macri who was optimistic about Argentina's economic future. At the same time thanked the international community for its "strong support and we thank you". The President stated that this "strengthens" his "conviction to continue on this path that focuses on reducing poverty, prosperity and deepening our international integration",

In paragraph 2 of the Communiqué Final 13 – Ministers of the world 's great powers and the emerging nations who met on Saturday and Sunday considered international trade and investment to be important drivers of growth, productivity, innovation, job creation and development. " And in a very abstract way – given the strong confrontation between Donald Trump's protectionist positions and the multilateralism of Europe, China among many others and where Argentina is also – called "intensify dialogue and actions to mitigate risks and build confidence"

The text also refers directly to situations omo Argentina but without naming it. He admitted to having started by saying that "growth has been less synchronized recently" and that "the risks in the short and medium term have increased, and that is where he recognizes the growing financial vulnerabilities," he said. Increase of commercial and geopolitical tensions ". global imbalances, inequalities and structurally weak growth, especially in advanced economies. " He advocated keeping a close eye on the issue because" although many emerging economies are better prepared to adapt to changing external conditions, they still face dislocations such as the volatility of merados and inversion of capital flows. "

Macri spoke shortly before the press conference that this afternoon will be given by the Minister of Finance Nicolás Dujovne and the President of the Central Bank, Luis Caputo, are the two hosts of this summit, which brought together 40 Ministers and Holders Between Saturday and Sunday Central Banks.

With the presence of the head of the International Monetary Fund, Cristine Lagarde, Macri gave a speech of nearly 7 minutes in English, the closing day of the meeting taking place in different rooms of the Exhibition and Congress Center of the City of Buenos Aires (CEC).

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