Macri, entrepreneurs in India: "I hope you find partners"


At the beginning of his stay in India and before starting his official activities on Monday, President Mauricio Macri addressed this Sunday more than a hundred Argentinian businessmen who accompanied him during of his visit and wished them "to find partners" who "accompany them in the development of their projects and help sell" their products in the Asian nation.

The message to entrepreneurs was at a meeting with a hundred representatives from different national companies, mainly SMEs from a dozen provinces.

In his remarks, the head of state stressed that it was the fifth time he met the Indian Prime Minister, Narendra Modiin three years and within the framework of "a process of knowledge, creation of trust and proximity". "This opens up opportunities and I hope you will find partners and companies that support them in the development of their projects in Argentina and companies that help us sell here what we are capable of doing."he added.

Macri is already in India, where he will meet officials and businessmen

The leader of Cambiemos stressed that there is an ability to "develop intelligently and develop at the federal level if the country stands out, knowing that we are not going anywhere in isolation". "We are here after having faced enormous difficulties, which we are still solving, because we are not yet in the place we want, we all know," he declared.

The president also asked businessmen to play a leading role in the Asia tour and be "present daily in the debate about how macroeconomics is organized and how to a country is supposed to generate work all over Argentina. "

More than 500 appointments await Argentine businessmen in Vietnam and India

"We must all continue to work so that we understand that the development and growth of a country means that all the SMEs that accompany us become medium and large enterprises in large companies. jobs and opportunities, "he said.

In addition, Macri was convinced that the government, together with businesses, "go down rates and approve new products"for bilateral trade". For that, we need a state and a policy working as a team and understanding that we have to take care of the expenses and not invent the taxes, which has happened to us for many years. We are trying to reverse, beyond emergencies, "he said.

Macri seeks to invest in his tour of India and Vietnam

The agenda. The official activity of the president begins Monday in Delhi, where he will meet the Indian president, Ram Nath Kovind, and the prime minister Narendra Modi, with whom he has already shared a bilateral at the G20. In the evening, there will be a reception at the Presidential Palace, Palacio Rashtrapati, in the honor of the Argentine President.

On Tuesday, the delegation will visit Mumbai, the economic capital of India, where there will be a lunch with the leaders and meetings with the authorities. All will participate in the business forum to be held in this city, where is the main stock exchange of India.

The Argentinian delegation will seek to open the market to high-potential products, according to official sources, such as "vegetables, fruits, peaches and wines". In addition, they are planning an investment program that will highlight the potential capital that can be used for lithium mining, a strategic product for the future electric car sector in which India wants to play a role – the renewable energy and agriculture.



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