Macri evaluated before the Cabinet the volatility of the dollar and the effects of unemployment


Source: AFP – Credit: Archives

Before his ministers, at the last cabinet meeting of the week, the president

Mauricio Macri

He made a diagnosis on the financial situation that has known the country in recent days and ratified the
The volatility of the dollar is a direct result of the uncertainty generated by the acceleration of the election year. In addition, it examined the impact that
the stop next Tuesday.

Thus, the president and his team closed another tough week marked by the rise of the US currency and the increase in country risk, a thermometer used by investors to measure risk. Even under pressure from the markets, the head of state was forced to end the public debate on his candidacy for reelection.

Like every Friday, Macri headed Olivos' fifth presidential meeting. In a "zen" tone, as described by two of the witnesses who attended the meeting, the president asked his staff to convey "calm". As he said in the interview he gave yesterday, "there is no other way".

In addition to the President's presentation, the Chief of Staff, Marcos Peña, also took the floor. the deputy chief of staff,

Andrés Ibarra

and the ministers

Guillermo Dietrich

(Transport) and

Patricia Bullrich

(Security), among others. They did not travel abroad

Nicolás Dujovne


Rogelio Frigerio

(Interior) and the Chancellor

Jorge Faurie


In his brief presentation, Macri said the turbulence affecting the dollar's behavior and country risk will continue until the elections. The problem is not economical. "No one is complaining about the economic program," official sources said. Therefore, it is political.

In this sense, the government has accused the opposition of the role it has played in recent weeks. Only one leader is spared from critics at Casa Rosada: Senator

Miguel Pichetto

. "He's the only one to understand the seriousness of what he's doing, the world is not content to look at the government," lamented one of the president's trusted men.

This is the government's response to the leader of the PJ bloc and presidential candidate of Federal Alternative, who, during his last trip to the United States, said that if his workspace wins the next elections, he will fill the obligations contracted by the government. macrista administration.

After the storm of the last days, at Casa Rosada, they hope that other precandidates, such as

Sergio Mbada


Juan Manuel Urtubey

, give a similar message. Kirchnerism waits only for aggression and operations.

The meeting also badyzed what could happen on Tuesday, when some unions called for a strike "to reject the government's economic policy." Dietrich was responsible for examining the matter and maintained that the service of groups and trains was guaranteed. Others, such as subways and commercial flights, were bent to the Moyano-led force.

The Minister of Transport also spoke about the progress of the work of Paseo del Bajo, the mega project that the Nation has realized with the Buenos Aires government and which will be inaugurated in the coming days. Bullrich, for his part, detailed the scope of the national program for complaints of gender-based violence, a plan launched by the government to unify complaints of gender-based violence across the country.

Also present were the provisional Speaker of the Senate,

Federico Pinedo

and the Speaker of the Chamber of Deputies, Emilio Monzó, who has also advanced the next steps that the ruling party will take in Congress.

Macri later received US Senator and former Florida Governor Rick Scott at a hearing at which the Secretary of Strategic Affairs, Fulvio Pompeo, also participated, according to official information from the presidency.


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