Macri, furious: "I want to know who lied to me" | Chronic


By Roberto Di Sandro
The Dean – 71 years old at Casa Rosada

[email protected]


The resounding defeat of the previous Sunday left the government groggy. There is total disorientation in their ranks and in the president himself Mauricio Macri the traces of the real "electoral beat" that he received from the Front of All are noted.

He launched an impressive scream Sunday night when he learned the results and ended his infinite anger with a "I want to know who lied to me". On the side of the room where virtually all the PRO or Let's Change was, two characters were alerted by the President's crush. The one he called – he does not call him anymore – his "eyes", and another, an Ecuadorian who trapped him with lyrics and symphonies that went well unfolded in 2015 because they brought it to the country's first magistracy, but it did not get one more. Your name: Jaime Durán Beard. Now he went to Lima and he is told that he will not come back. What they say, of course.

In short, there is now an incredible fact. On television, he repeats it constantly: words and answers from Marcos Peña in a report criticizing Sergio Mbada when he said: "You must reduce taxes on food", and qualified this desire with a direct word to the politician: "It's a chanta." Suddenly, the other image appears, a few hours ago, after Sunday 's collapse. It belongs to President Macri, who pointed out the insincere smiles: "We will eliminate VAT on all foods in the family basket." Someone from a TV microphone looked at him and with a hint of not very friendly reminded him: "What are you saying, Mr. President … you are also a chanta …"

Citizens have seen this unexpected change. But, moreover, coming from different parts of the country, with a people who does not know what to do to be able to bring food at his place, he insists with insistence: "Is not it that you, Mr. President, would not change economic policy?". At the same time, he added: "Did not you say that these measures, because there were others from a popular sector or" populist "who have become a demagogue?.

Chronicle, at the painful Monday press conference, asked preciselyand "his desire is to overthrow the October 27 elections" I will do it "With the same economic action", and responded with a direct "yes" and continued to amaze everyone, both inside and out. They have more than fifteen points apart, reminded him somebody.

Now yes, everything "changes". The "changes" of ministers have already begun; a policy of "change" is already sliding in the economic and social fields; The International Monetary Fund, which prohibits all that support to the popular sectors, and many other things that no doubt tend to ask for votes directly to see if they can, at least, go to the polls. All these possibilities menjunje characterize the moment when the official group can be called thus: "Let's change." This is the only time it is changed, because until now it was only hitting the poorest sectors and even the middle clbad that voted for it. As Macri pointed out, after the fight and after being apologized, "there was a lot of anger" and probably "I asked a lot." Now they are walking around La Rosada, Olivos and where the president, the ministers and the wells are. They do not know if they stay or leave.

The only one to have shown his direct conduct and well known for his loyalty to democracy Rogelio Frigerio, the Minister of the Interior, who resigned and did not accept it. Now, there is more to describe in a week that is constantly beating at the rate of a dollar that no one knows is controllable, so that price increases are unstoppable. Read, because we give many exclusive details, but really unique and not imaginative.

IMF in default?

Journalistic exclusives are often imaginative. In the midst of a veritable quagmire of rumors, versions and all that can be said, "the exclusive" or the "scoop" is also making its entrance and nobody is saying anything. But in this case, this section of ChronicIn such delicate moments, his goal is very particular: to give information close to one hundred percent of reality.

For example, last Saturday, the long-awaited resignation of the minister who had not been seen for several days: Nicolás Dujovne. Macri sent urgently to the head of the economy of Buenos Aires, Hernán Lacunza, who was on vacation in Bariloche. This is the new head of the Treasury and the man who will have to negotiate with the IMF. Last night, it was not yet confirmed whether the mission of the Fund due to arrive next week would proceed as planned. Now, that's the theme of Lacunza.

Pichetto, the clarifier

Now fine. In the last hours Pichetto met Macri. The booking is absolute but the small informative hole to discover Chronicle has it. During a long conversation, the admitted menemist at Cambiemos specified a series of points. It is unclear whether he agrees to be chief of staff in place of Marcos Peña or perhaps a "direct" delegate between Macri and Alberto Fernandez. The possibility of "permanent" contact has appeared so that the arrival in October is calm, calm and without resonance of words that generate physical reactions in the streets. "That's why Pichetto is"said a reliable source, and one thinks that the man, talented politician, able to play "in any team", reaches an acceptable calm. In government, Alberto Fernández's appreciations of the dollar were welcomed, but also by other terms showing a very effective balance. There is more.

"Not like that, Lilita"

In the usual section of "Short and tasty", our goal is everything "everything". By saying everything, it's because rumors, versions, transcended and even unreal, that in this country becomes real later. It is numbered or sometimes with the alphabet. With the numbers, it's clearer:

1) "Not like that, Lilita." Macri's resounding concept before the controversial legislator Carrióafter these words sounded, maybe too dark –"They will take us dead from Olivos", or what "The cowards do not erase" and many others, who have been applauded to the CCK. There was even a smile from the president. Then he called her apart and, according to a man of trust very close to the government, said: "Not like that, Lilita …" He reproached her for leaving her chain. This is one.

The number 2) They tell us that it was taken with tweezers, but also with a very negative surprise, the denunciation of Round which conveyed some words of the president who, in anger, would have published the following: "Do not touch the dollar, increase what you want …". The gravity of the complaint about the president fell like a bucket of cold water and many, the ignorant, looked at each other. Of course, an badessment of this nature must be confirmed accordingly. Attention: Redrado's excellent relations with Alberto Fernández stand out, who held positions at the time of Menem.

3) A claim heard: that of Jorge Taiana, man of the citizen unit who recommended the president "Excuse yourself for the reactions you had", as well as the lack of respect when talking about his adviser Durán Barba. Macri agreed and did. The last in this segment: they say the president feels very upset because vast layers of the population and many close friends no longer consider him president and all eyes are turning to what they call the elected President: Alberto Fernández. Macri will never forget Sunday.

Obsession: ask for votes

While the people of Alberto Fernández, as Emanuel Álvarez Agis and William Nielsen, they meet the head of the central bank, Guido Sandleris, not to let the dollar escape, and this with Roberto Cardarelli, the direct link with the IMF, President Macri resumes his election campaign.

The number one obsession is now two: that the dollar does not escape and looks for votes from anywhere. That's why he starts Wednesday a visit of Parchment to inaugurate an itinerary: on Thursday he meets scientists and economists in different places and on Friday he lands on the land of Santa Fe. There, watch out, meet politicians and leaders who were in the 90's riding. They say that a lot of politicians are going to go "Of all the colors". But there is a meeting with the President of Paraguay in Yacyretá. Confirm this for Thursday. They insist that their entire presence is "as president". Others do not believe him very much, because they see him worried as a candidate even if he denies it.

Finally. We return Sunday in these pages, but a day before in HD Chronicle at 9:30 pm Happy Children's Day Hugs.


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