Macri goes to Uruguay with changes | Chronic


With the theme of Venezuela as the main axis of the discussion, Mauricio Macri travels to Uruguay on Wednesday to meet with President Tabaré Vázquez. But the president, before leaving for the neighboring country, added a headache: Jorge Faurie He replaced his vice-chancellor. The presidential agenda has been shaken.

Before the flash trip to Uruguay, the leader of Cambiemos will have to find the solution to the vacancy at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, after the request of Jorge Faurie himself at his number two, Daniel Raimondme, who was in charge since 2017, when he replaced the Tucuman Pedro Villagra Delgado, then named Sherpa of the G20.

The former former secretary of state had previously served as undersecretary for economic integration and Mercosur, a post in which he degenerated into confidence of the secretary of international economic relations, Horacio Reyser, a kidney man of President Macri.

From the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, they badured that Faurie is "very nice "cAfter a year and a half of intervention, although some officials have indicated that in recent weeks, their disagreement has increased on controversial issues, including the intervention of the Argentine Embbady in Germany and the lack of our country to a summit of the Republic. Mercosur debating for Venezuela.

In addition, the president's weekly agenda continues with two trips. This Wednesday, he will travel to Uruguay where he will meet in the National Park Aarón de Anchorena (in Colonia) President Tabaré Vázquez. The two leaders have an "open agenda", but the sources consulted stressed that the situation of the country led by Nicolás Maduro This will be a central theme.

Argentina is part of the Lima group with Brazil, Canada, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Guatemala, Honduras, Panama, Paraguay and Peru. All of its members did not recognize Maduro's new mandate and accepted. Juan Guaidó as a legitimate authority in Venezuela, after being appointed by the National Assembly of that country.

In any case, Uruguay, which does not integrate this block, maintains a neutral position on the conflict in the Caribbean country and has not recognized Guaidó. After the meeting, a statement should be published. On Friday, Macri will leave for India, Vientam and the United Arab Emirates.


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