Macri hangs on a respirator called Trump | Opi …


After talking with Donald Trump, Mauricio Macri is about to realize the dream of his life right now: reach June 22 with oxygen. That day ends the registration of candidates for the presidency. Macri is betting to get in a dominant position for this date which is right here next month. If it succeeds, as everything seems to indicate today, entrepreneurs and financiers will then stop dreaming about other projects, such as María Eugenia Vidal's V or L's. Martin Lousteau, and will be convinced that the best ultraliberal candidacy is the one that there is, Macri's. An application today devalued and falling sharply. As revealed by an interesting study by the public opinion group of Raúl Timerman, who studied the evolutionary sequence of images of Macri and Cristina Fernández de Kirchner, today, CFK is better than MM . The former president has a positive image of 50.2% and a negative image of 48.1%. The President has 77.1% negative image and only 22% positive image. The difference of Cristina is positive, of 2.1% resulting from the subtraction of the greatest magnitude with the smallest. By performing the same operation with Macri, the difference is negative. A shocking -54.3 percent. In January 2016, when the consultant took the first step, CFK showed a negative difference of -18.9% and Macri a positive difference of 25.8%.

Trump and Macri spoke for about ten minutes and, as is clear from a statement in the White House, Trump expressed support for the direction of the economy. They also talked about the regional situation, which everyone could translate as "Venezuela".

It's clear what Macri wants. First, go on June 22nd. Then enough dollars to inject into the market and that the relationship between the North American currency and its poor relative, the Argentine peso, does not even rise and do not rock as the Argentines do not become more crazy.

And Trump? Argentina does not occupy a strategic place like Israel nor the economic weight of Brazil nor a neighbor like Mexico. But the White House already has a strong alliance with Brazil (with the leadership of Bolsonaro or the general who will succeed him until December 31, 2022) and of course with the Israelis, who again come to raise Benjamín, Trump's friend. Netanyahu As for Mexico, he lives with Andrés Manuel López Obrador.

Without being strategic, Argentina is a good letter to be controlled by Trump. If you already have a docile politician here, to the point that diplomatic approval, although unprofessional, bets Hillary Clinton in the US elections, why lose her?

However, any badysis would be superficial if it did not take into account the practical spirit of the United States. First, take advantage of any help. And second, prepare for any circumstance. For example, this instead of Macri on December 10 badumes a different and even opposite government. Without going any further, López Obrador was not Trump's favorite candidate, but in the United States as well, the only truth is the reality.

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