"Macri has asked me to accompany him to Wall Street," said Alberto Fernandez


The Frente de Todos candidate spoke about the president's request and revealed his answer – Source: Telenoche


The candidate for the presidency of
Before everyone,
Alberto Fernandez he said yesterday in a television interview that the president
Mauricio Macri asked him to go out with him
Wall Street and held that
He refused to do so because he did not think it was "reasonable".

In the in-depth interview that Fernández gave yesterday to the new Telenoche, on channel 13, he explained certain information regarding the conversations he had had with the President of the Nation and presidential candidate of Together for Change. Among them, he told Macri of his request to visit him at the heart of the world of finance in New York.

The journalist Luciana Geuna asked the question that triggered the confession. She asked if the conversations between
Fernandez and
Macri They had included the proposal that the opposition candidate send a signal to the markets.

Fernandez admitted, "Yes, that asked me, that's why I said
William Nielsen and
Emanuel Álvarez Agis (his economic advisers) who went out to explain some things that could be misunderstood. "

The Frente de Todos candidate responded to the President's request and his answers
The Frente de Todos candidate responded to the President's request and his answers Credit: Telenoche Capture

Then, the All Front candidate – who won the PASS on Aug. 11 – said: "(Macri) told me that it seemed reasonable that I accompany him to Wall Street. told him that I did not think anything reasonable.I am only a presidential candidate. "

To justify your refusal,
Fernandez He added: "Those who vote for me are the Argentines and I have to explain to them what I should do.If one day the Argentines elect me president, I will contact the world, of which Argentina is part and with whom we will have to work, but now it's not the moment. "

"We come from a time of difficulty to understand ourselves in politics, what should be said should not have an impact on the market, it must be a time to talk. I'm talking about my home, something normal, is a rare situation, very rare and we have to make sure that it is not complicated, "he concluded.



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