Macri has confirmed the transfer of Edenor and Edesur to Vidal and Larreta


The President has ratified that the province and the city of Buenos Aires will take control of the energy companies Source: Archive

After several weeks of negotiations and back and forth with his allies María Eugenia Vidal and Horacio Rodríguez Larreta, the president

Mauricio Macri
took for granted the transfer of electric power companies Edenor and Edesur to the orbit of the province and the city of Buenos Aires

"We transfer Edenor and Edesur to the province of Buenos Aires Aires because it's more fair, because that's the way to balance the state's spending so that the state does not become a backpack ", has said the president in an interview with the Cadena 3 radio station in Córdoba,

. the grants received by the province and the city of Buenos Aires, because it is true by Kirchner the policy of the government had a big gap and that is why the rates have risen more in Buenos Aires than ". inside to recognize the true value of energy, "said the president, who visited Córdoba yesterday and shared several events with Peronist Governor Juan Schiaretti.

For Macri, Argentina has gone from an energy exporting country to "import" which brings us to a catastrophic situation that almost drives us to be the Venezuela, "he said. He also anticipated, without mentioning the dates, a further increase in electricity and gas tariffs, stating: "Today we are at 70% of the value of energy, we have started at a little 10%, "said the president. "The good news is that in these two and a half years we have developed a plan with governors, unions and businesses and we have produced more and more and in two years we will be net exporters of energy and more competitiveness ". In this way, he again praised the agreement reached by the various sectors to develop the deposit Neuquino Vaca Muerta

The governments of Vidal and Rodríguez Larreta will also have to badume the weight of some 11 billion dollars of subsidies that finance collectives and trains. metropolitan. So they anticipated
THE NATION Casa Rosada sources, in the course of negotiations with the provinces to go ahead with the compromise with the International Monetary Fund (IMF). And the standoff of the AySA drinking water company is still open, though it's hard to transfer.

Inflation and dollar

In what he does to the economy, Macri celebrated that the dollar price is today "quiet", and has forecast about 30% inflation for this year , although he pointed out that "this low month and will continue to fall and in two or three years we will have a single-digit inflation," the president

said and recommended to consumers to look for offers . "People have to walk because in this time of devaluation, there are 30% price differences."

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