Macri has decided to suspend the tour planned for this month by France and Belgium


The president explained that "it's a moment to be in the country," according to presidency sources.

President Mauricio Macri decided today to suspend the tour that would take him to France and Belgium, and that he was going to start on April 26, because "it's time to be in the country" , told the presidency of Telam sources.

Thus, the head of state will continue to apply, in his country, the application of the economic measures by which the executive power plans to mitigate the effects of inflation and will be announced tomorrow by the Quinta de Olivos.

Macri had planned to travel from April 25 to 30 in Belgium, where he had planned a meeting with King Philip, then a meeting with Prime Minister Charles Michel.

In addition, Macri planned to visit the headquarters of the European Union in Brussels and meet with officials and ministers from this continental bloc.

In Paris, France, the French president was invited to the G-7 summit by his French counterpart, Emmanuel Macron, leader of the group bringing together the most economically powerful nations.

The G-7 conclave was a good opportunity for the Argentine government to speed up negotiations for the country's entry into the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD).

Tomorrow, the national government will announce at 10:00 a set of economic measures that will then be presented and explained by Finance Ministers, Nicolás Dujovne; Health and Social Development, Carolina Stanley and Production and Work, Dante Sica.

Officials will give a press conference at 11:30 in the conference room of the presidential residence of Olivos, at the end of the meeting of the National Cabinet, informed the presidency of the Nation.

The director of the Federal Administration of Public Revenue (AFIP), Leandro Cuccioli, today predicted that among Wednesday's announcements, there is a plan of facilities for those with tax debts.


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