"Macri has made poor people during each of his years of management," Massa said.


The first candidate for the national deputation of the Front of All in the province of Buenos Aires, Sergio Mbada, considered that the president Mauricio Macri "made poor during all his years of direction" to the Casa Rosada, because "it was superb since . first day".

"He had the help of Peronism like no other government, but in the face of that help, he only pushed Peronism to the worst place, instead of recognizing anything. wicked, insensitive to the demands of society. " , said the leader of the opposition.

In an interview published this Sunday by Page 12Mbada said that the national president "also did not recognize that the inheritance received was much better than that of other governments since the return of democracy".

On the other hand, the ex-MP celebrated the results of the PASS and declared that "the day the society understood" that the political leaders had "learned from the mistakes of the past to give to Argentina a project of country ", The country" flooded with hope ".

In this regard, he baderted that he "felt on the street" that people were asking the opposition to "stop fighting" and explained that he "remembered" perfectly "the moment where he had decided to return to Kirchnerism.

The head of the Renewal Front said that he had finished convincing himself to do it "two or three weeks before" at the meeting that was held at the end of March this year at Cordoba. with Juan Manuel Urtubey, Miguel Ángel Pichetto and Juan Schiaretti.

"It was at a traffic light in Morón. It was a weekday. I went to a pension center with Mirta Tundis and Martin Marinucci. I stopped at the fire and a pensioner sold pills. He acknowledged me and said, almost in tears: Gather and get this guy out, we can not stand it anymore, "he recalls.

The opposition leader added that at the time he was "talking to Alberto (Fernández), Wado (Pedro) and Máximo (Kirchner)".

Finally, the Front Front candidate all warned that, if they were elected, the members of this alliance should "seek a great economic and social agreement, even with those who continue to support Macri's failure today." "For them" it will be great because the deterioration (of the country) is enormous ".

"Voters, businessmen, communicators, political leaders, union leaders, civil society Our challenge is to embrace everyone," he said. (N / A)


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