Macri has received the kings and said that Argentina "brings the same changes as Spain a few years ago"


The kings of Spain, with Mauricio Macri and Juliana Awada at Casa Rosada Credit: Capture You Tube Presidency

After paying homage to General San Martin with a floral offering, the
Kings of


Felipe VI



Ortiz, who visited Argentina for the first time as a royal couple, arrived at Casa Rosada, where he was received by the

Mauricio Macri.

Escorted by a formation of the Grenadier Regiment Horse, the
Reyes arrived before 11am on the esplanade of Avenida Rivadavia, where they received the honors of a military guard and Fanfarria Alto Peru, according to what was published by the Telam agency. After, Macri and his wife

Juliana Awada

they were welcomed on the porch of the Los Bustos lounge and from there they went to Salón Blanco, where the official photo was taken.

"I would like to welcome your Majesties – it's the first time we have been making a state visit for over 30 years." We are very happy, "said the president at the beginning of the meeting. his speech. "We view this visit as a sign of affection and support at this time of mutations, deep, costly and time-consuming transformations, similar to those you have done many years ago," she said. he declared.

In addition, Macri spoke about the evolution of the quality of life of the Spaniards and said that it was what he was looking for the Argentines: "We do the same, we yearn for that" .

He then underlined the warmth he felt two years ago when he traveled with his family to Spain and concluded: "We hope you will feel like we were doing it two years ago. Welcome to the house."

For his part, King Felipe also underlined the time elapsed since the last state visit and said: "For a Spaniard or Spaniard, coming to Argentina is something very special, imagine what it means to we come today for the first time Reyes: It's a great emotion, so many things unite us and feel that all this excites. "

The king also said that his visit to the country also involved "to testify and to promote the continuity of the excellent relationship that unites us, it is a pride, an honor, a responsibility".

Finally, before entering the meeting with the President, Felipe stressed that his visit "aimed to strengthen strategic relations and support the strengthening of relations between Europe and South America" . In addition, support Argentina, as always We are very aware of the situation in which they found themselves and we approve all ongoing reform programs. "

Macri received the kings of Spain in the white room of Casa Rosada
Macri received the kings of Spain in the white room of Casa Rosada Source: AFP – Credit: Juan Mabromata

L & # 39; s calendar

Felipe VI and Letizia Ortiz will meet at Casa Rosada, which will also be attended by representatives of government and diplomatic authorities, and will then go to Olivos Residence, where they will share a luncheon with President Macri and First Lady Juliana Awada.

The agenda will continue with an exchange of greetings between the delegations and an extended meeting in the scientific room with the participation of ministers and diplomatic authorities from both countries.

King Felipe VI, 51, and his wife, Letizia Ortiz, will be accompanied by Foreign Minister, European Union and Cooperation Minister, Josep Borrell, and the Ambbadador of Spain in Buenos Aires, Javier Sandomingo Núñez, among other authorities.

In the afternoon, at 4 pm, kings will travel to the National Congress to meet with the parliamentary authorities, while at age 17, they will do the same before the Supreme Court of justice. At age 20, they will receive a dinner hosted by the Head of State and his wife in the gallery of the CCK's Hall of Shields.

Tomorrow, they will have a working breakfast with Argentine and Spanish businessmen at the Chancellery headquarters and at 10.30 am a working meeting organized by the Cotec Foundation (dedicated to innovation), at the headquarters of the the Spanish company Movistar.

At age 13, they will organize a mbadive meeting in La Rural with the Spanish community. In the evening, Felipe VI will offer a dinner to Argentine authorities in the restaurant of a luxury hotel in Buenos Aires.

Later, they will travel to Córdoba to attend the opening ceremony next Wednesday with Macri of the VIIIth International Congress of the Spanish Language (CILE), which will be held from 27 to 30 March at the Teatro Libertador San Martín of this city, with the slogan "America and the future of Spanish culture and education, technology and the spirit of enterprise".

The kings of Spain, with Mauricio Macri and Juliana Awada at Casa Rosada
The kings of Spain, with Mauricio Macri and Juliana Awada at Casa Rosada Credit: Capture You Tube Presidency


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