Macri has signed the decree to declare Hezbollah …


Despite the rejection of the Argentine Arab community, the national government has decided to decree allowing him to include the Islamic movement and the Lebanese political party Hezbollah among the extremist organizations included in a so-called public register of persons or entities related to acts of terrorism (Repet). The measure was released on the eve of the new anniversary of the attack on the AMIA, as well as a DNU granting public compensation to people who did not receive it before and another who declared the July 18th, national day of mourning.

Although President Mauricio Macri himself announced the inclusion of Hezbollah in the register of terrorist organizations a few days ago, he was surprised by the urgency of its publication today in the Journal. official. The explanation is twofold: to make a gesture of the government to the sector of the justice which holds this Islamic movement responsible for the attack against the Jewish mutual (of which 25 years tomorrow) and to throw it a pro-Israel nod to the US government whose secretary of state, Mike Pompeo, will arrive in Argentina
will chair the second Ministerial Conference on Counter Terrorism on Friday.

Decree 489
published today in the Official Journal does not include the name "Hezbollah" in the list of the all – new Repet but amends a regulation of 2012 and establishes that with this modification, it "will guarantee the" correct identification and individualization "of terrorist groups. Until now, Argentina was governed by the consolidated list by the UN Security Council, in which Hezbollah does not appear.

The Argentine judiciary has designated the Islamic organization as the perpetrator of the 1992 attacks against the Israeli Embbady and the Argentinian Israelite Mutual Association (AMIA), which were Materialized in 1994 under the government of Carlos Menem.

The Repet will work within the Ministry of Justice and it will be used for the exchange of information about "any human person, legal entity or entity that has been the subject of a court decision or prosecution that imputes or admits the formalization of Investigation "linked to a terrorist act. Some sanctions include the "freezing of administrative badets".

The text bears the signatures of Macri, Chancellor Jorge Faurie and Minister of Justice Germán Garavano. It establishes the intervention of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Ministry of Security, the Federal Police and Security Forces, the Financial Information Unit (UIF) and the direction of the migration.

Yesterday, before the publication of the Repet, the Confederation of Argentine Arab Entities (Fearab)
, which brings together more than 300 organizations, questioned the Cambiemos government's decision and warned that Hezbollah as a "terrorist" was a mistake, since this movement has an institutional existence and is recognized as a political party with official participation in the Republic of Lebanon.

Extension of the compensation

On the other hand, but in step with the gestures of 25 years of attack against the Jewish Mutual, the national government issued a decree of necessity and urgency (DNU) which opens the possibility that victims of the fact that they have not yet been able to access a compensation receive this benefit granted in 2015 under the government of Cristina Kirchner.

To this end, he sets a new 180-day deadline for the opening of the procedure, acknowledges that "some of the victims in this group are currently living with health problems and old age" and argues that "for reasons of Fairness and justice, it is necessary the people who have not yet received the extraordinary benefit mentioned can do it without further ado. "

National mourning

Parallel A third decree declaring the "national duel" was published for tomorrow for the anniversary of the attack and at the same time, he asks Iran "to cooperate in the investigation of the facts and the trial of the officials".

Among the justifications, the executive branch recalled that the terrorist attack against the Jewish mutual "has had painful and irreversible consequences on the Argentineans". "The magnitude of such a criminal event, which will cost the irreparable loss of precious and irreplaceable people, has left in Argentine society marked feelings of repudiation and pain."


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