Macri holidays that come | The exhausting …


Throughout his tenure, President Mauricio Macri has given many examples of his love for rest days that have turned him into a general manager who has spent more days on vacation. This usually happens after every important public event that takes place like at the G20 meeting and trips abroad. In this context, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs announced the agenda of Macri which, in the coming days, awaits the receipt of two international visits, a visit to Chile and a United Nations Conference so that it can be deduced that the country of Cumelén de Neuquén will have, in a little more time, still visit.

On Monday, Queen Margaret II of Denmark will arrive in Argentina accompanied by her son, Prince Frederick, Danish officials and thirty entrepreneurs who, according to the Foreign Ministry, have an interest in doing business in Argentina. The Queen will remain until March 20 and, at the time, said Chancellor Jorge Faurie, the president will have the daunting task of "captivating" Margarita so that his country can resume business with the country.

Once the Queen of Denmark has said goodbye to the country, she will begin the only United Nations conference to be held this year in Latin America. This is the High Level Conference on South-South Cooperation. Nearly 1,500 participants from 193 UN member states, including 40 foreign ministers, 15 ministers from other regions and a dozen presidents, will attend the meeting. The Chancery to which many of these leaders will "want" to hold a meeting with Macri.

This multilateral conference will end on March 22nd and that day, Macri will travel to Chile to attend a meeting with other conservative presidents of the region seeking to destroy Unasur and replace it with another one that has not been included. they named Prosur. This new organization, they say Casa Rosada, seeks to develop without the alleged "ideologized" seasoning of Unasur.

The presidential agenda will be tight because, on his return from Chile, the President will host in Buenos Aires the Spanish Kings Felipe and Letizia, who will remain on a state visit between March 25 and 27. The Spaniards will meet Macri, then travel to Cordoba to inaugurate the VIIIth International Congress of the Spanish Language (CILE).

For April, President Macri recorded a trip to France and Belgium. This represents something more than 10 days with a lot of activities, so we can badume that such a struggle will force him to return to Cumelén or closer to Chapadmalal, to do what 's going on. he did more regularly during these three years of work. management: take a few days off.


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