Macri in front of the Legislative Assembly: "Deep changes require patience"


With the logic of re-election, the president has asked for more time to deal with the "preachers of fear and resignation"

Macri in front of the Legislative Assembly:

The first president on a strong tone at the opening of legislative sessions / Senado Press

By Mr. S.


The president ended the speech screaming, with a political harangue that raised the supporters of Cambiemos and provoked the reaction of the opposition. "Go to Argentina, go to Argentina!", He pointed out at the end of his speech to the Legislative Assembly, with wet eyes and looking towards an enclosure divided between applause and hostility. This is the climate in which Mauricio Macri found himself yesterday during his fourth official presentation to the National Congress.

As he was able to check the day, the president seemed reconcentrado to traverse the room of Lost Pearls, adjacent to the premises of the Chamber of Deputies, with the face of someone who was going to embark on a symbolic battle with the l 39; ;opposition. In this context, he ended up favoring the issues that differentiate him from Kirchnerism – such as anti-corruption preaching -; makes only one concrete announcement – updating the plans of the Universal Mission for Children and gives no badurance as to the exit from the economic crisis.

At the beginning of his presentation, Macri uttered a series of sentences to recognize that the situation in the country was not the best: "a serious change involves overcoming difficulties"; "Transformations take time"; "We take care of what we have"; "I am the first to know what these months of anxiety have been"; they were certain of them And the general concept of his speech was completed by this idea: "profound changes require patience," he warned.

In fact, he gave an example of the abstraction with which he had crashed several times, stating that a lady had told him that he was not going on vacation, but that He was able to connect the sewer and running water to his home. Macri appealed to the logic of effort and sacrifice rather than what is easy to achieve, contrasting the course of his administration with that of the previous government. "Argentina is better off than in 2015," he said.

"If we had chosen the path of the shortcut, we would be stopped in stories and not on solid bases"

This comparison was present throughout the presidential speech, which lasted exactly 48 minutes and 20 seconds. "We are not adrift or corrective," said the head of state. He immediately added, "If we had followed the shortcut route, we would be in the story, but we are building on solid foundations," he said. Although he failed to convey confidence in economic matters, in what became the Achilles heel of his management.

So much so that Macri demanded that the SMEs be activated and the opponents arrested directly to cheer him – with a sarcastic attitude – in the pbadage in which he enumerated some economic "achievements" prior to the mega-devaluation In 2018, at this moment of her exhibition, a woman named Joanna Picetti, who was elected as the Change Delegate, never came to badume that she was coming in to reprimand the president, making fun of security.

It was not the only strange event in the lower house. Opposition MP Araceli Ferreyra raised a marijuana plant with one hand and a sign saying "is already growing", while Carrió, who could not smoke on the bench, was wearing glbades. Black as beach Axel Kicillof and Mayra Mendoza also sat in the same place, as there was no room in the crowded Kirchner block.

From this place, to the left of the hemicycle, began the most outspoken comments against the president, about which Macri said twice, "The shouting, the insults, do not talk about me, but from you". In the midst of this political tension, the president made the only announcement that contained the speech: a further increase of 46% for the Universal Mission for Children (AUH) and enrostró in Kirchner his good friends with Nicolás Maduro and the # 39; Iran.

"Here, there was a coward nationalism," attacked the president, who ended his exalted presentation and an accusation against "preachers of fear and resignation".


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