Macri is 60: he talked about death, his relationship with his father and his egoism


President Mauricio Macri gave an intimate interview to philosopher Alejandro Rozitchner, where he talked about his age, life in general and his father at a meeting that lasted 16 minutes and was held last night. This Friday, the president will be 60 years old.

"I have trouble baduming this figure because when my old man turned 60, I was able to say," How old is he? " "Of course, I was 30. It seemed to me that it was an age impossible to reach." Said the president.

He also admitted that he is "short" because "no" is 60 years old. "I'm small because I do not feel 60," he slipped, as he thought "old age goes by the head".

In this sense, the president recalled an episode that almost cost him his life: "I almost killed myself at 39, because I started to shake hands with the 40 and I came across a ski I had nine days of intensive care I did something in this totally irrational forest that led me to attack the trees, because I wanted to prove to myself that I was 20. It was a stupidity that almost cost me my life, "he said.

In the same spirit, he praised the "wisdom" that gave him the years and said that he trains every day before 7 am and that he is "worried".

Macri said that he had several things outstanding for his life once he retired from the public service.

"I want to learn how to cook well, I want to know more about landscaping, I would also like to know more about the digital world, that I'm pretty basic, I have several late books I like to devote more time to the movies, to the series, the letters, "he enumerated.

On the other hand, he replied that "not a palos", he imagined that he would become president: "I thought that I would be president of Boca, perhaps mayor, and the less I thought I would be dad at this age and the relationship that I have Antonia, these are things that surprise you and make you feel young. "

"The most important thing at this age is affection, but many say it and do not internalize it, it is for me a central issue, especially in the task that I fill, which is the public service, often very ungrateful to the conditions that feed me and stimulate me, "he confessed.

Then Macri added: "Before being very immature, especially in my relationship, I was much more selfish, I did not know how to share and, with my children, I have always been very affectionate, but I have put with other things to dispute the time.Today, I am when they ask me.

"With Antonia and even with Valentina, I am much more," said the head of state.

Meanwhile, confronted with the question of how he gets along with the death, Macri replied that he "was starting to socialize", deepened the subject and even talked about his relationship with his father, Franco.

"I hope to have a quick death, I do not want to get stuck in life like my father, who is here and he's not here, he's been lying there for over a year and if he has a moment of lucidity, he should be very bad because he has to become aware of his inability to do and his loss of vitality, "he said.

And he said that his last conscious contact with his father goes back a year. "The last time he asked me to give him a pill to get him out of here." Imagine, it's not possible, I can not do anything, it depends on the patient. a third party and I said: "I can not, dad, you can not," concluded the president.


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