Macri is going to be re-elected, but has not yet defined the name of the vice


President Mauricio Macri said he was "convinced" that "the Argentineans do not want to go back in the past" with reference to the candidacies for the October elections and baderted that it was not still decided who would accompany it in the re-election formula. that "there is time" for that.

"I am the first to understand that the path of change we are committing to begins, so the worst thing I can do is give up all the Argentineans who actually believe that there is an Argentina included in the world. , with better democratic quality, and bet on strong institutions, an Argentina where people do not lie, do not steal and where progress has been made, but there is still much to be done, "said Macri in a published interview yesterday by the newspaper Clarín, made during the presidential tour. for India, Vietnam and the Arab Emirates

Macri said: "I am convinced that the Argentines do not want to go back", after adding that he was "ready to be a candidate".

In addition, he confided that "it was not decided yet" who would be his candidate for the vice presidency: "We have four months to come and many problems to solve, we must d & # 39; first get out of all the consequences of last year's storms ", and" there is to focus on management, "he said.

When asked if the former president and current Senator Cristina Kirchner would be a candidate, she replied: "Whenever I predicted something that the former president was going to do, I did not hit ", so" ask someone else, "he said.

The president said that in the next elections "we play if we want to go back in time, isolate ourselves from the world, return to a more authoritarian system and with fewer freedoms, or if we really believe in the ability to innovate. and creation of Argentines ".

"Here, there is clearly a development model that has begun to take its first steps, but we must be consistent and persistent," he suggested.

He also ratified this "goal" of poverty reduction, but warned against "structural poverty that no one has ever occupied for several years".

On the other hand, said that "to the extent that we maintain a balanced budget, we have a clear monetary policy and we continue to focus on reducing taxes so that the private sector can grow and we accompany in this evolution, inflation will fall ".

"This year will be significantly lower than the previous one, we are still in the order of 3%, but we have to think that we have gone from the 6% we had in September and October." If we persist in this path, we will see a hollow systematic inflation, "he said.

The head of state has estimated that the dollar "is identical to what it was in September, so we must believe that this monetary policy gives the Argentine economy a predictability that it had not before and that the public budget is respected ".

"We must also understand that the markets are conditioned by the electoral problem: when they will see clearly that Argentina will continue on the path of change, the entire environment of the financial system will improve rapidly," he said. he declared.


"To the hesitant Argentines, I tell them that they do not tell me their word, they must listen to what the world's leaders who visited us during the G20 visit said and are sure we must persist" he asked.

Macri said: "I am focusing on management and, whatever the decision of the national council of Cambiemos, everything will be fine for me, mechanism and it will be evacuated."

And regarding the MP Martin Lousteau, who is part of the presidential entourage in Asia, who expressed the Paso's request, the president said that "everyone has the right to speak" and that he "the invited to know those countries "which are very important partners of Argentina".

At the end of the interview, Macri interpreted that "the world clearly saw that Argentina was reproducing the model of Venezuela, that he was heading towards this terminal crisis and that he sees now that Argentina, with difficulties, is going in the right direction ".

But he stressed that none of the countries emerged from the crisis "did it overnight".


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