Macri led the "Million Walk" at the obelisk


Hundreds of people demonstrated Saturday at the Obelisk of Buenos Aires to participate in the "Million March" convened by the president and candidate for re-election, Mauricio Macri, where they expressed their "hope" that the party in power to overthrow the election "in the next elections of October 27 after the results of the Paso.

With blue and white flags and banners supporting President Mauricio Macri, groups of protesters, with family and friends, focused on Avenida 9 de Julio, in downtown Buenos Aires, in different parts of the city. from the city. Aires, the suburbs of Buenos Aires and other provinces.

(Federico López Claro)

From the beginning, the slogan "October 19, the million march" began to be present on social networks.

For example, messages from different cities in other countries were posted, along with photos of protest groups supporting Macri's candidacy and its continuity as president. Paris, Melbourne (Australia), Mexico, Madrid, where the actor Luis Brandoni, stoker of the presidential pair of Together for Change, was seen. In the published photos, protesters wore shirts or banners with the slogan "Yes, you can."

The adhesions to the act that will begin around six o'clock in the afternoon also come from towns located inland, such as the capital of Salta or the city of Mendoza. "We're from Santa Fe," a group of protesters said over a long-distance bus. "Why is there no march to Chivilcoy?", He complains meanwhile of a disciple of Macri.

"At 17, we meet at the obelisk! From the beginning, the friends of Formosa, Entre Ríos, Santa Fe, Lomas de Zamora and La Matanza are present, "said media secretary Hernán Lombardi, in a photo of the social network Twitter.

On the march

The march of "Yes, you can" started on September 28 in the district of Barrancas de Belgrano in Buenos Aires and is developed by different cities of the country. The candidate and president Mauricio Macri was this week in Paraná, Río Cuarto, Carlos Paz, Reconquista (Santa Fe), Sáenz Peña (Chaco), in the city of Corrientes, among others. The closing of the campaign is scheduled for Thursday 24 in the central square Velez Sarsfield, in the city of Córdoba.


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