Macri made an important announcement on the occasion of Remembrance Day | Chronic


President Mauricio Macri announced this Sunday, on the occasion of the 43rd anniversary of the military state coup, that the US government will carry out next month a new release of declbadified archives of the last dictatorship "with important military documentation" who is judged, "It will be fundamental that justice advance in the outstanding causes of the past, one of the darkest periods of Argentine history".

It will be held on April 12 at the National Archives building in Washington DC, United States.

"Three years ago, we asked the US government to declbadify the documents in its possession regarding the latest civil-military dictatorship in Argentina, and since then we have already delivered two important deliveries and next month a new one. with important military documentation "Macri wrote on his Twitter, Facebook and Instagram accounts.

March 24th. Three years ago, we asked the United States government to declbadify the documents in its possession on the dictatorship. Since then, we have made two deliveries of material and next month there will be another one with important military documents.

– Mauricio Macri (@mauriciomacri)
March 24, 2019

In this regard, he added: "This is the largest amount of information the United States has ever delivered to another country, and these documents will be essential for justice to move forward in the past, always waiting for one of the darkest periods of time. of Argentine history ".

This is the largest amount of information that the United States has transmitted to another country. These documents will be fundamental for justice to advance in the causes of the past, still outstanding, one of the darkest periods in the history of Argentina.

– Mauricio Macri (@mauriciomacri)
March 24, 2019

In turn, the Minister of Justice, Germán Garavano, he said that "With much attention, on April 12, I will receive, in the building of the National Archives of Washington, the largest volume of declbadified documents concerning the last civil-military dictatorship undergone by our country.".

With much anticipation on April 12, I will receive, in the building of the National Archives of Washington DC, the most important collection of declbadified documents on the last civil-military dictatorship undergone by our country. @mauriciomacri @jorgefaurie #No more

– Germán Garavano (@german_garavano)
March 24, 2019

The Macri and Garavano announcements were supported by a statement from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs that "Argentina looks forward to this documentation, which will be a valuable contribution to the Memory, Truth and Justice process".

Declaration: #EEUU deliver declbadified documents from the last military dictatorship. Argentina looks forward to this documentation, which will be a valuable contribution to the Memory, Truth and Justice process.

– Argentine Chancellery (@CancilleriaARG)
March 24, 2019

He recalled that "On March 24, 2016, human rights organizations in our country asked US President Barack Obama at the time to declbadify documents related to the last military dictatorship.".

"Argentina appreciates and appreciates the efforts of the National Security Council of the White House, which was responsible for this declbadification project"said the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

He added that "The documentation of the last military dictatorship was gathered from 12 security and intelligence agencies".

He recalled that "As part of the long process of dialogue and cooperation initiated by this Foreign Ministry in 2016 with the United States Government, President Donald Trump announced that he would visit Argentina." the writings.

On April 27, 2017, Trump handed over to his Argentine counterpart, during an official visit to Washington, about 3,300 pages of intelligence documents and the newly declbadified State Department.

A year earlier, in March 2016, the president of the time Barack Obama he had announced in Buenos Aires that his government would declbadify the records of the last Argentine dictatorship and, a few months later, in August of the same year, the first delivery of these documents, claimed by human rights organizations in the country. men such as the Legal and Social Studies Center (CELS) and the grandmothers of the Plaza de Mayo, among others.


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