Macri opened the meeting of the UN: I want to tell you that you can count on Argentina


"Cooperation is an excellent tool for promoting the horizontal link between countries at different levels of development Cooperation can lead to a better future"said Macri from the Congress and Exhibition Center, seat of the conclave.

Opening of the 2nd United Nations High-Level Conference on South-South Cooperation.mp4

Accompanied by the head of the UN, Antonio Guterresand Chancellor Jorge Faurie, Mauricio Macri, warned that "it was time to think of alternative ways to complete our work". "They can count on Argentina for the things we can make a constructive contribution to, as well as learn from what we can learn, let the world see all we have to give. Our goal: to continue to generate solutions that improve the lives of our people, continue to work together, "he concluded.

In turn, António Guterres has defined what should be the priorities of the meeting, which should end on Friday with a final document. Among them, he mentioned the theme Globalization, warning that "it is useful to get out of poverty" but that "its benefits are not shared equitably". Climate change and gender have also been spearheads in the UN chief's speech, which urged governments to accelerate public policies back and forth, as well as to increase the budget allocated to these. areas.

As expected, the Brazilian defended the system of multilateralism after trade tensions defeated it in recent years. "The organizations have not always been up to the task, but we will undertake the mandates that they entrusted to us, they have my commitment," he said.

The multilateral conference is the "most important summit of cooperation in the emerging world", which will examine and badyze "the exchange of experiences and knowledge" with the aim of "strengthening the capacities of States", announced the presidency.

The state leaders of Paraguay, Uruguay and Chile are among dozens of speakers who will deliver their speech today at the CEC. In fact, once his speeches are over, Macri will leave for Olivos with Tabaré Vázquez, Mario Abdo Benítez and Sebastián Piñera. There, the presidents should finalize the details of the new block that will replace Unasur, and this will be officially announced in Chile this Friday.

Today's meeting takes place 40 years after the approval of the Buenos Aires Plan of Action, at the United Nations Conference on Technical Cooperation among Developing Countries of 1978, which started what is now called South-South Cooperation.


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