Macri-Pompeo: the perfect society | United States, Michael Pompeo, Donald Trump, Mauricio Macri


The move was activated in parallel with the arrival of Secretary of State Donald Trump, Mike Pompeo, as part of his perhaps most strategic visit to the country, both for the political moment of the day. Argentina only for the interests of Washington, not only terrorism, but also because of the trade war with China. In advancing on Hezbollah, the government is not only defining a sentence for Iran (emblem of responsibility for the attack on the AMIA, agreements on justice with the government of Cristina de Kirchner and of a dangerous society with Hugo Chavez and Nicolás Maduro), but must specify to what extent Lebanon is also affected.


Everything goes in the same direction. Pompeo guided Trump's pen a week ago for it to be on the list of terrorist organizations owned by the United States. to Armada for the liberation of Baluchistan, one of Pakistan's administrative entities.

It is a similar movement to what Macri will do now with Hezbollah and for which he is part of a radicalized US campaign against terrorism, in which not everyone agrees to enter voluntarily. For example, Britain recently made the same decision that Argentina will now take with Hezbollah last February.

In Juntos por el Cambio, the problem, far from causing irritation, seems to unify the criteria. The elector of Macri clearly rejects the lukewarmness of the fight against terrorism. Vice-presidential candidate Miguel Pichetto visited DAIA yesterday and met with President Jorge Knoblovits. He told him that the decree on Hezbollah was ready.

Everything will be completed by the arrival of Pompeo, who will be in the country and even if it is supposed that he will not personally participate in the event of the 25th anniversary of the attack of AMIA, if he will be present at the seminar on terrorism organized in Argentina. and in a closed act on the dry square of the building of the Jewish mutual with Jorge Faurie and Ariel Eichbaum.

At that moment, the country will remain, as Macri wants, in the center of the stage. Pompeo is the biggest bet possible with the United States Association, the country that owes all the financial aid from the IMF.

And Macri does it in the theme Washington's loyalty asks his friends: the fight against terrorism.

Everything happens, moreover, in times when the tension with Iran is multiplying in the Strait of Hormuz, the stage where the Arab world leaves 30% of the oil that consumes all the energy. ;Asia. The problem for Washington is not the blockade of this oil, but the effect it has on the price triggered by the barrel.

Last coincidence: yesterday, the ship "The British Heritage" was intercepted by Iranian forces when it left the Persian Gulf in the middle of the Strait of Hormuz. The British, who like the United States, patrolled the area, intervened with the frigate HMS Montrose and withdrew after verbally crossing the pbadages from one ship to another. Montrose is remembered on these coasts for its surveillance activity in the Malvinas, and it even became famous when, in 2012, Peru suspended a protocol visit that the ship was going to make in that country, because the government and the citizens of Lima refused to receive it. in solidarity with the Argentine claims on the islands.


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