Macri prepares the red carpet for Mike Pompeo | E …


President Mauricio Macri will receive US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo at the Residencia de Olivos. During his tour of Latin America, he arrived in Argentina to participate in the "Second Hemispheric Ministerial Conference on the Fight Against Terrorism". The leader of Cambiemos will receive him as part of his alignment with the international policy defined by the White House and after issuing a decree yesterday to designate the Lebanese political party Hezbollah as a terrorist organization.

The official activity of the Secretary of State began at 10 am, participating in an event held at AMIA headquarters as part of the commemoration of the 25th anniversary of the attack terrorist against the Jewish mutual, which took place yesterday. Foreign Minister Faurie, AMIA President Ariel Eichbaum, other Jewish community authorities and several Foreign Ministers arrived in Buenos Aires to participate in a conference against terrorism, to be held from 11 am San Martin Palace

After a fellowship lunch, which is attended by the Minister of Security, Patricia Bullrich, and Secretary of Strategic Affairs, Fulvio Pompeo, a brief meeting between the American and Chancellor Faurie is scheduled.

At age 15, press conference with the conclusions of the forum. Pompeo will then go to Macri in Olivos.

According to the US State Department, during its tour of the Pompeo region, "it will expand cooperation on security issues and highlight the US commitment to democracy, human rights and the multiplication of economic opportunities for our citizens ".

As usual, they will also condemn countries whose governments do not respond to their political and economic interests such as Cuba, Nicaragua and Venezuela.

According to the US office, Pompeo "will meet in Buenos Aires with President Macri", the Foreign Minister of Chile (Theodore) Ribera and the Bahamas Foreign Minister (Darren) Henfield, to strengthen the collaboration aimed at promoting citizen security, developing trade and investment, and promoting democratic governance. "

After spending the day in Buenos Aires, Pompeo will leave to continue his tour in Ecuador, Mexico and El Salvador.


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