Macri recalled a claim that he has never claimed | Act p …


Despite the easing of the Cambiemos government with regard to the Malvinas in the various international fora, President Mauricio Macri baderted that "the claim to the sovereignty of the Malvinas Islands is a legitimate and irrevocable claim", in the case of the Falklands. act that he presented at the residence of Olivos, where he discovered a reminder plate.

On the day of the veteran and fallen soldiers to the Malvinas, Macri called for "paying tribute to the hundreds of parents, children and friends who took the war 37 years ago". He said that the claim of the islands "unites us all Argentines beyond our differences". And, he stressed that to advance in this goal, it is necessary to "build a consensus that transcends governments". The FpV-PJ MP Guillermo Carmona came to answer him, who recalled that "he did not send to Congress any of the agreements that he negotiated with the United Kingdom against the interests So, with whom do you want to reach a consensus? "

One of the government's achievements is the identification plan for the 122 soldiers buried under the NN in the Darwin Cemetery, which already has 112 recognitions. "We could start paying a very painful debt that we have with our heroes and their families," said Macri, who recalled that the plan "has several years", but only in 2016 began to "get results". The President affirmed that he would pursue "this way to comply with the imprescriptible mandate established by our National Constitution", which ratifies the Argentine sovereignty over the islands.

The Government convened Mr. Olivos to the family members of fallen soldiers and veterans groups. In addition, the Minister of Defense, Oscar Aguad; the human rights secretary, Claudio Avruj, and the leaders of the armed forces. They discovered a plaque with the caption "Permanent Homage to the Argentine State, Heroes of the Falklands and Islands of the South Atlantic – April 2, 2019", next to the flagpole at Olivos. Shortly thereafter, the second official act took place in Plaza San Martín, at the cenotaph containing the names of the deceased.


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